
ナイト・マネジャー(The Night Manager) イギリスの作家 ジョン・ル・カレのスパイ小説をもとにした2016年製作の英国ドラマ。前回 刑事ヴァランダーで前半だけ出演していた身長がひょろ長い トーマス・ヒドルストン主演。今回はあまり自分の中で盛り上がらなかった点がいくつかあります。
① ヒュー・ローリー演じる人類で最凶との触れ込みで登場した武器商人リチャードローパーは子煩悩で、ユーモアのセンスがあるので、 最凶にしては凄みが足りない。その点ドクターハウスを演じたヒュー・ローリーと通じるものがあり到底悪役に徹しているとは思えない。今回もいつもと変わらぬだみ声で生理的に受け付けない。

③ジェド・マーシャル演じる エリザベス・デビッキはスーパーモデルなみのスタイルが画面越しにも伝わりウィキによると190センチもあるそう。ということは共演している人たちは? で検索してみたところヒュー・ローリー188、センチヒュー・ローリー187センチ。巨人たちのドラマじゃないか。ちびおっさんの私には別世界。ネコおっさんであるおいらは、しょせん人間はひょろ長い、シッポもねぇ全身ハゲと心の中で優越感に浸ろうとするのであった。

Pine's blown, so you're blown. (ナイト・マネジャー)


What time do you land? - 6am, bright and early. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Losing streak never ends until you cut it. (ナイト・マネジャー)


to coin a phrase陳腐な決まり文句(cliché)を用いる際の前置きとして使われます。 「to coin a phrase」は、自分がパロディや陳腐な表現を使用していることに気づいていることを示すために使用されます

What you read is what you get, to coin a phrase(斬新な言い方をするならば、読書が人格を作るのです)

This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship, to coin a phrase. (ナイト・マネジャー)


The drivers are ready to take you to the destination of your choosing. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Contravention of Egyptian import rules. (ナイト・マネジャー)


I'm going to be back in my humble croft. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Come on, Andrew. We haven't got all day. (=hurry up) (ナイト・マネジャー)


Do you feel quite discombobulated? (ナイト・マネジャー)


You sick fuck. (ナイト・マネジャー)


I never fiddled my taxes. (ナイト・マネジャー)


You're a funny fish, Jonathan. (ナイト・マネジャー)


You look great. - Oh, give over! 今更遅いわ(ナイト・マネジャー)


In you get. さあ車に乗って(ナイト・マネジャー)


I'm afraid I'm unable to help you. (PHONE CLICKS) - Aw, no joy? (ナイト・マネジャー)


Maybe she and Sandy should come to Luxor too. (ナイト・マネジャー)


It's been preying on my mind. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Get them rolling, will you? 車を出せ(ナイト・マネジャー)


Let us reconvene in the Nefertiti hotel. (ナイト・マネジャー)


soukスーク とは、アラブ人やベルベル人の世界で、商業地区

I got these new silver earrings at the souk. (ナイト・マネジャー)


You look spiffy. (ナイト・マネジャー)


To save your own skin. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Who are you really in the grand scheme of things? (ナイト・マネジャー)


Don't be a tit. (ナイト・マネジャー)



You had all those VIP rooms, five-star hotels. You're now on the wrong side of the velvet rope. 今は貧困側にあなたはなったのよ。(ナイト・マネジャー)


Let no man tear the couple asunder. (ナイト・マネジャー)


I was attached to the United Nations Monitoring. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Caught in the act. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Beers wouldn't be anything like cold enough. (ナイト・マネジャー)


He thinks there might be a rotten apple. (ナイト・マネジャー)


amuse-bouche アミューズブーシュ、またはアミューズブッシュは、アミューズグール(amuse-gueuleともいい、単体で供される、一口大のオードブルの一種。食前酒とともに「つまみ」、ないし、「突き出し」と説明されることもある。アミューズブーシュは、客がメニューから選んで注文するオードブルではなく、シェフの独断によって、内容が自由に決められるものである。アミューズブーシュは、しばしば店が提供する無料のワインとともに供されるが、これは、客に食事を食べる準備をさせ、また、シェフの料理術へのアプローチの片鱗を見せるためである。

A little amuse-bouche. But the main course.. (ナイト・マネジャー)


I want your reassurance that there is no risk attached to this transaction. (ナイト・マネジャー)


We had a minor issue. It's been investigated and addressed. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Look at you. Quite the Roper acolyte. ローパーの手下ね。(ナイト・マネジャー)


Two days of meetings with Swiss bankers, Corky. It wasn't exactly Babylonian. (ナイト・マネジャー)


The mind boggles. : Very difficult to understand or imagine

The mind boggles at the amount of money they spend on food.

The mind positively boggles. (ナイト・マネジャー)


All three ships have already gone off their bearings in the Atlantic Ocean. 航路から外れた(ナイト・マネジャー)


Mr. Birch will be subject to a biometric verification. It'll take a minute to extract your iris scan. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Make sure they're bona fide. (ナイト・マネジャー)


What business is that of yours? (ナイト・マネジャー)


They are living on borrowed time. (ナイト・マネジャー)


We do our bit, don't we? (ナイト・マネジャー)


burnt cork makeup : This is a material used to blacken the skin in the practice of blackface, a form of entertainment that involves performers caricaturing Black people

You miss it, do you? Being down there with burnt cork on your face, dagger in your teeth. 軍隊にいた時がなつかしくないか?(ナイト・マネジャー)


My best to your family. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Joel's advised we burn our boy completely. (ナイト・マネジャー)


experience a different state of being異なる人生を体験する

access the true state of being 本当の自分とつながる[に到達する]

Well, it's a state of being. An ontology, if you like. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Been bunking off again, old chap? (ナイト・マネジャー)


If you ever needed help in the future... - Ah, well, don't hold your breath. (ナイト・マネジャー)


It's a very long custodial sentence. (ナイト・マネジャー)


The old codgers need to talk. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Unbutton your jacket, Sandy, they want to see we're not carrying. (a gun) (ナイト・マネジャー)


Mr. Burr's not cleared 許可されていない(ナイト・マネジャー)


Site been cleared? - Happening as we speak, sir. 場所から障害物は除去したのか?(ナイト・マネジャー)


cash in one's chips

1.      チップを現金に換える

2.      (取引・契約から)手を引く

Many people cashed [handed, passed] in their chips and accepted the early retirement package.  多くの人々が引退して早期退職手当を受け取った。

I'd done three tours in military. Time to cash in the chips. (ナイト・マネジャー)

3.      死ぬ、消える、逝く、亡くなる、隠れる


I need your cast-iron guarantee that the intelligence was solid. (ナイト・マネジャー)


This is a behind closed doors enquiry. Names will be redacted from the records. (ナイト・マネジャー)


"One good deed at a time." Isn't that what the good Lord says? (ナイト・マネジャー)


(That was) Nicely dealt with at lunch. 昼時の乱闘を丸く収めたね。(ナイト・マネジャー)


You come into our lives, disrupt our balance. (ナイト・マネジャー)


on deck ; デッキに出て、甲板に出て ; 仕事の態勢に入って

Look sharp! Mr. Roper on deck! (ナイト・マネジャー)


UN takes a rather dim view of cluster munitions. (ナイト・マネジャー)


The debacle at the Turkish-Syrian border has put us back five years. (ナイト・マネジャー)


end-user certificates : An End-User Certificate (EUC) is a document that verifies that the buyer of a prohibited product is the final recipient and will not transfer the product to anyone else. EUCs are used in international transactions, such as the purchase or transfer of firearms, ammunition, and explosives.

Fake MOD end-user certificates. (ナイト・マネジャー)


I would like to make a toast. To the lovers. Perfect pairing. Beauty and elegance entwined. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Falsifying MOD end-user certificates. (ナイト・マネジャー)


He drinks less than Corky, but doesn't have the same elan. Still, swings and roundabouts. (ナイト・マネジャー)


if I show you this, it has to be for your eyes only. (ナイト・マネジャー)


I was shown fake MOD end user certificates for seven different arms companies, UK and US. (ナイト・マネジャー)


What's the matter, Harry? Why the flare? (ナイト・マネジャー)


Go back down to the foyer. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Somehow this confidential info found its way into the hands of a British enforcement official. (ナイト・マネジャー)



The Javelin light anti-tank missile. A fire-and-forget system. (ナイト・マネジャー)


How are you, Andrew? - Fighting fit. Thank you. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Let bygones be bygones and return to the fold. (ナイト・マネジャー)


I didn't expect you to come. - Oh, ye of little faith. (ナイト・マネジャー)


greaseball 1イタリア人の子孫を指す差別語 2〈俗・軽蔑的〉〔髪をグリースで固めた〕暴走族

Little greaseball. (ナイト・マネジャー)


I had a little headache. My gallant found me a Nurofen though. (Nurofenイブプロフェンという成分の薬のブランド名です。イブプロフェンは、炎症や痛みの原因となるプロスタグランジンの生成を抑えることで、痛みや熱を下げたり、炎症をやわらげたりする効果があります。) (ナイト・マネジャー)


The purchase has been authorised, it's all gone through. (ナイト・マネジャー)


It's gone midnight. (ナイト・マネジャー)


genny : A slang term for generator: Genny is a slang term for generator.

There's a problem with the genny. - I know there's a problem with the genny, fix it! (ナイト・マネジャー)


The blind man, who cannot see the human bloody hand grenade in front of his bloody eyes. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Long trip on the high seas. (ナイト・マネジャー)


They need a higher-level request. 上からの要請が必要(ナイト・マネジャー)


You seem very at home here. (ナイト・マネジャー)


You let Corky take the hit. コーキーを犠牲にしろ(ナイト・マネジャー)


An angel gave the info to me with a halo. (ナイト・マネジャー)


bring to heel(…)後について来させる,従わせる,服従させる

I'm the prodigal wife brought to heel. - Brought to heel by what? - Roper made me an offer. (ナイト・マネジャー)


if it isn't ~ は、突然の知人との出会いに驚いたときに使います。

Well, if it isn't Tom!

“Barefoot she walked along the beach,To the old cottage where the hero awaits." Now, if that isn't an airport novel waiting to be written. (ナイト・マネジャー)


The reviews are in. We're a big hit! (ナイト・マネジャー)


So Corky was my Judas. (ナイト・マネジャー)


They're going to get a Whitehall knife-fight. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Khaki is a common color in military uniforms and equipment, especially for use in desert or arid regions.

He has worn khaki himself, so don't feel you need to talk pretty. 彼は軍隊にいたから、この部隊で気を使う必要はないぞ。(ナイト・マネジャー)


It has little bit of a kick. 銃の反動(ナイト・マネジャー)


Where did you get this? - Lucky dip. - Don't bullshit me. (ナイト・マネジャー)


lay in ~を買いだめする]

lay in supplies : This is a phrasal verb that means to buy and store something to be used later.

We laid in a supply of canned goods.

I do believe the tree trunk has filled out a little. You been raiding the fridge? - Well, uh, I was laying in supplies. (ナイト・マネジャー)


You're just too easily led. (=gullible) (ナイト・マネジャー)


Mr. Birch will be subject to a biometric verification. It'll take a minute to extract your iris scan. (ナイト・マネジャー) (ナイト・マネジャー)


I'd lay good money they're law enforcement. (I bet)  (ナイト・マネジャー)


I’ll just have to plug the leak. (ナイト・マネジャー)


I always leave my phone lying around. (ナイト・マネジャー)


I was living half a life when you met me. I've got nothing to lose. 半分死んだような人生だった。(ナイト・マネジャー)


mod = moderator : someone who makes sure that the rules of an internet discussion are not broken, for example by removing any threatening or offensive messages:

You can be instantly banned from the chatroom if a mod finds your chat abusive.


the MOD : (UK) Abbreviation for the Ministry of Defence. The British government department that is responsible for defence, military activities, and the armed forces(ナイト・マネジャー)


Fake MOD end-user certificates. (end-user certificates : An End-User Certificate (EUC) is a document that verifies that the buyer of a prohibited product is the final recipient and will not transfer the product to anyone else. EUCs are used in international transactions, such as the purchase or transfer of firearms, ammunition, and explosives.) (ナイト・マネジャー)


No murky deals. (ナイト・マネジャー)


We better get a move on. (ナイト・マネジャー)


He doesn't do meth for breakfast. ヤク中ではないわ。(ナイト・マネジャー)


Roper buys MOD-certified weapon. (ナイト・マネジャー)


a mess of something : (American English informal) A lot of something.

A mess of fresh fish

Why don't you just bring us a mess of seafood? Clams, squids, oysters, etcetera. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Falsifying MOD end-user certificates. (ナイト・マネジャー)


be meat and drink to someone : (idiom) If a difficult or unpleasant activity is meat and drink to someone, they enjoy doing it very much and find it easy.

I suppose drunken guests were meat and drink to you in the hotel trade. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Do you know what she's up to? - Micro-management isn't my style. (ナイト・マネジャー)


The middle man is Richard Roper. 仲介者(ナイト・マネジャー)


I will be mother. (ナイト・マネジャー)


All I know is we're being mothballed. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Moëtモエ・エ・シャンドンは、フランスのエペルネーに本社を置く世界有数の規模を誇るシャンパン製造会社、あるいは同社が製造するシャンパンのブランド名。 創業年は1743年。LVMHグループに属し、傘下に最高級シャンパンで有名なドン・ペリニヨンを有する

I've allowed him to unleash the Moët '73. (ナイト・マネジャー)


I need a Foreign Office mandate confirming the illegal cache of these weapons. 令状(ナイト・マネジャー)


The International Enforcement Agency is officially mothballed. (ナイト・マネジャー)


There's the case of the night-time naughties while your boss was away. 不倫(ナイト・マネジャー)



I had a little headache. My gallant found me a Nurofen though. (ナイト・マネジャー)


no-go customer 相手から提案や依頼された内容が実現することはない、というニュアンスを込めて「駄目です」と言う時に使われる表現です。 ビジネスシーンや日常会話の両方で用いられるインフォーマルな言い回しです。

They're selling to a no-go customer. 購入資格のない客(ナイト・マネジャー)


Jasper looks like a teddy bear, but don't let him near your neck on a bad day. 期限が悪いと首を切られるぞ。(ナイト・マネジャー)


Much needed agricultural equipment. (ナイト・マネジャー)


experience a different state of being異なる人生を体験する

access the true state of being 本当の自分とつながる[に到達する]

Well, it's a state of being. An ontology, if you like. (ナイト・マネジャー)


House River boys got him pegged as a nuisance. (ナイト・マネジャー)


The Permanent Secretary has requested that I no longer manage enforcement agencies. (ナイト・マネジャー)


The Permanent Secretary leaked my intelligence to Dromgoole. (ナイト・マネジャー)


He wants to put on a good show for our guests tonight. (ナイト・マネジャー)


UN takes a rather dim view of cluster munitions, and I quote, "They pose an indiscriminate

threat to the civilian population. (ナイト・マネジャー)


I will be singing your praises to my consortium. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Punching above our weight. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Someone has been prying into my affairs. (ナイト・マネジャー)


We're on 'oliday. Time for a snooze amongst the pharaohs. (ナイト・マネジャー)


I think you might be playing both sides. There was a leak. (ナイト・マネジャー)


The term queen is usually used with disparaging intent and perceived as insulting when in reference to a gay man, especially one considered to be effeminate or flamboyant.

Thanks to some very clever footwork by some queens. (ナイト・マネジャー)


quick time. 《軍事》速歩marching that is conducted at about 120 paces per minute.

I'm getting him out quick-time, give him a new ID, new life. (ナイト・マネジャー)


You been raiding the fridge. (hungry) (ナイト・マネジャー)


We've run searches on him. (ナイト・マネジャー)


She's been ruffling an awful lot of feathers. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Tell him to re-divert to London. Now. (ナイト・マネジャー)


The refugees come here with nothing, lives ripped apart, homes destroyed. (ナイト・マネジャー)


reactive armor 爆発反応装甲(英: Explosive Reactive Armour, ERA)は、戦車などの補助装甲に使用される、反応装甲(Reactive Armour)の一種。 金属製の箱の底に薄いシート状の爆薬が設置された構造になっており、被弾時に砲弾や成形炸薬弾がもたらす圧力に反応して、爆薬が起爆して表面側の金属板を高速で吹き飛ばし、側面から弾頭に衝突することでメタルジェットの形成を阻害し、戦車本来の装甲の内部への貫徹を妨ぐ。この構造上、戦車の傾斜装甲などに対して30°程度の角度で着弾した際にもっとも効果を発揮し、垂直に当たった場合にはほぼ効果を得られない。

This is a weapon guaranteed for penetration of surface and base reactive armor. (ナイト・マネジャー)


I go back to chasing. Mexican gunrunners in Arizona. (ナイト・マネジャー)


This is a behind closed doors enquiry. Names will be redacted from the records. (ナイト・マネジャー)


I've got no recourse to troops, no international enforcement support. (ナイト・マネジャー)


The company has decent history in commerce, no skeletons. 〔世間や他人に知られたくない〕内輪の秘密[恥](ナイト・マネジャー)


He's a very smart cookie. (ナイト・マネジャー)


swings and roundabouts : The phrase "swings and roundabouts" is a British expression that means a situation where there is no eventual gain or loss, or where the positive and negative results balance each other out. The whole saying is what you lose on the swings, you gain on the roundabouts. It's originally a saying of fairground folk, and it means that a loss in one field [selling tickets for the swings] is balanced by profit in another [selling tickets for the roundabouts].

He drinks less than Corky, but doesn't have the same elan. Still, swings and roundabouts.


All three ships have already gone off their bearings in the Atlantic Ocean. 航路から外れたI'd say two are a smokescreen and one's the real thing. (ナイト・マネジャー)


You ready to shine? (ナイト・マネジャー)


Two gas shells on the playing field. One was sulphur mustard. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Her job is to preserve the status quo. (ナイト・マネジャー)


You can sleep when you're dead. (ナイト・マネジャー)


I just licensed a full US military swoop on fake arms deal. (ナイト・マネジャー)


The arms swoop. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Keep tabs on the enemy, blow smoke in their face. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Spec list. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Thar she blows. : Cliché Traditionally, the hail used when a whale has been spotted spraying water from its blowhole by the lookout of a whaling ship. "Thar" is an old-fashioned, colloquial variant of "there."

1.      Used humorously to indicate that something is erupting or exploding, or about to do so.

Look, the volcano is erupting! Thar she blows!

He pushed down on the plunger of the detonator as he yelled out, "Thar she blows!"

2.      Used humorously to indicate that one is now able to see something or has arrived somewhere.

A: "Thanks again for driving me home."

B: "No problem at all. Well, thar she blows. Have a good night!"

I haven't seen much of her, to be honest. - Ah. Thar she blows. 彼女が来たぞ。(ナイト・マネジャー)


I think one is becoming a tad deranged. (ナイト・マネジャー)


I do believe the tree trunk has filled out a little. 胴回りが少し太った(ナイト・マネジャー)


Suspicion is a tool of my trade. (ナイト・マネジャー)


So what's your tipple? Men? Women? Young? Old? Get you anything. (ナイト・マネジャー)


They want someone with tact and experience for the position. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Don't be a tit. (ナイト・マネジャー)


He thinks Roper's turned him. ローパーが彼を寝返らさせたと彼は思っている。(ナイト・マネジャー)


I admire your tenacity. (ナイト・マネジャー)


East is East and West is West. And never the twain shall meet. (ナイト・マネジャー)


We're going shopping. You can't have too many rugs. 絨毯において十分すぎることはない。いくらでも欲しい(ナイト・マネジャー)


The Upper East Side : This is a neighborhood in Manhattan, New York City, known for its wealth and culture.

That's not what he bought on the Upper East Side in NY. (ナイト・マネジャー)


He needs uncorking. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Did I say something untoward? (ナイト・マネジャー)


Voilà. (ナイト・マネジャー)


I think he's on the warpath. (ナイト・マネジャー)


whole shooting match : (noun. Informal) The entire thing. the entire thing : everything.

They said that they would pay for the food, music, decorations, the whole shooting match.

This is a summary of expenses, names of consultants, profit margins, the whole shooting match. (ナイト・マネジャー)


It's your word against mine. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Why don't you girls go and lay waste to the local bazaar? (ナイト・マネジャー)


This is austerity. (ナイト・マネジャー)


That operation is quite the abject failure. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Are you pink, socialist, left wing, that sort of thing? It's another one of his bugbears. (ナイト・マネジャー)


What business is it of yours how much he drinks? (ナイト・マネジャー)


I eat peppermint creams without any bugger telling me how. (ナイト・マネジャー)


I don't know what I was thinking. That was a crass thing to say. (ナイト・マネジャー)


C-130 : 米ロッキード社が製造する中型戦術輸送機で、愛称はHercules「ハーキュリーズ」です。ギリシャ神話に登場する英雄ヘラクレスの英語読みが由来です。高翼式で、太い胴体の後方に搭載用傾斜面を設けるなど、以後に続く軍用輸送機の基本構造を確立した。戦術輸送機のベストセラーであり、アメリカ軍はもとより西側諸国を中心に69か国で使用され、登場から半世紀以上経った現在も生産が続いている。現在の最新型はC-130J スーパーハーキュリーズ(Super Hercules)である。

I hitched a ride on a C130. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Don't you think he counts? 重要(ナイト・マネジャー)


You look divine as ever. (ナイト・マネジャー)


The phrase "friend of Dorothy" (FOD) is a euphemism for a gay man that originated in LGBT slang. It was used as a way to discuss sexual orientation without others knowing its meaning.

Major Corkoran is here with some friends of Dorothy, that I would like to have escorted from the premises. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Enforcement agencies were urgently needed to prosecute any areas of international criminal activity. 執行機関(ナイト・マネジャー)


A priest's advice only goes so far. (ナイト・マネジャー)


We’ve been in a lot of foxholes, me and Corky. (ナイト・マネジャー)


On your feet, soldier. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Why don't you practice it, get the feel of it? (ナイト・マネジャー)


gym bunny : (UK informal) Someone who spends a lot of time exercising in the gym, and who cares very much about the shape and condition of their body:

Most of us are not models or gym bunnies.

You're a gym bunny. (ナイト・マネジャー)


So, you and your husband. Making a go of it? (ナイト・マネジャー)


ha-ha / haw-haw (in British English) A wall or other boundary marker that is set in a ditch so as not to interrupt the landscape. A ha-ha is created by digging a deep, dry ditch, the inner side of which would be built up to the level of the surrounding turf with either a dry-stone or brick wall.

There she goes. Beyond the ha-ha! (ナイト・マネジャー)


You're in over your head. (ナイト・マネジャー)


C-130 : 米ロッキード社が製造する中型戦術輸送機で、愛称はHercules「ハーキュリーズ」です。ギリシャ神話に登場する英雄ヘラクレスの英語読みが由来です。高翼式で、太い胴体の後方に搭載用傾斜面を設けるなど、以後に続く軍用輸送機の基本構造を確立した。戦術輸送機のベストセラーであり、アメリカ軍はもとより西側諸国を中心に69か国で使用され、登場から半世紀以上経った現在も生産が続いている。現在の最新型はC-130J スーパーハーキュリーズ(Super Hercules)である。(ナイト・マネジャー)


We are operating in a highly incendiary region. (ナイト・マネジャー)


I find the actions of River House somewhat inimical to the new era of parliamentary accountability

and transparency. (ナイト・マネジャー)


He is not too keen on intermediaries just now. 仲介者(ナイト・マネジャー)


You'll live a little. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Nothing to do with Langley, or River House. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Why don't we leave it there for today? 今日はそこまでにしておいたら?(ナイト・マネジャー)


the march of time / history / progress etc : The way that things happen or change over time and cannot be stopped.

You can’t control the march of science.

She was desperate to halt the march of time. (ナイト・マネジャー)


He has been shooting his mouth off. (ナイト・マネジャー)


We're good people. We play it straight(ナイト・マネジャー)


permanent secretary 〈英〉事務次官 国王陛下の公務員である上級公務員の最高位であり、省の日常業務の運営にあたる。

The Permanent Secretary would love to see you. (ナイト・マネジャー)


punch out 【句動】 〔出社または退社の時刻を〕タイムレコーダーに記録する 〈米話〉たたきのめす

Punch that out. (ナイト・マネジャー)


The promise of a quickie. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Langley has been completely railroaded on this. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Things are ramping up. (ナイト・マネジャー)


side-saddle【名詞】【可算名詞】. 婦人用鞍(くら), 片鞍 《両足を同じ側にたれる》.

The enforcement operation with Angela Burr on side-saddle. (ナイト・マネジャー)


On foreign soil. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Jed said I should have hired an uglier girl. But the agency only had stunners. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Roper is steadfastly faithful. (ナイト・マネジャー)


You look scruffy. (ナイト・マネジャー)


This is literally the oldest trick in the book. (ナイト・マネジャー)



Bloody arse-licking creep. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Head-to-toe background check, all avenues. 360 degrees. (ナイト・マネジャー)


My father was an Oxfordshire auctioneer, taught me the price of everything. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Why you think this one's a bad apple. (ナイト・マネジャー)


I don't have blood lust. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Well, that's a better colour on the face. Lovely deep purple. Better than the blue baboon look of last week. 傷が治ってきたみたいだな。(ナイト・マネジャー)


I am blown away. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Fizzy drink treatment. Up the nose. Bung the mouth. ふさぐ(ナイト・マネジャー)


It's balls. British Englishでは、意見や発言、信念が愚か、真実でないと思うときに使用される卑俗な表現です。 相手が言った内容が愚か、間違っている、またはばかげていると考えるときに使われる表現です。

What complete and utter balls!

That's a load of balls!

Everyone assumes that I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth. It's balls. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Your cover's blown sky-high. (ナイト・マネジャー)


How's Billy? - As if you care. (ナイト・マネジャー)


This thing was perfectly choreographed. He knew exactly what we had to do. (ナイト・マネジャー)


I had a conundrum. "Well," I thought, "This is a bit rum!" (a bit rum : an expression that means something is unusual, strange, or odd. ) (ナイト・マネジャー)


I can't spend the nation's intelligence budget on an operation whose current status appears to be somewhat catatonic. (ナイト・マネジャー)


They must never know about our boy, Joel. No mention of him in comms, nothing written down, nothing at all. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Tell him to knock it off, will you? Cease and desist. (ナイト・マネジャー)


You are a cool cucumber, aren't you? (ナイト・マネジャー)


If you lay one hand on that woman, then like the Belgians in the Congo, we'll chop it off. And I don't mean the hand. (From 1885 to 1908, many atrocities were committed in the Congo Free State (today the Democratic Republic of the Congo) under the absolute rule of King Leopold II of Belgium. ) (ナイト・マネジャー)


Call the hospital. - Which one? - Well, our one. Not the death trap on the main drag. (death trap《口語》 死の落とし穴 《人命に危険の恐れのある建物・乗物》) (ナイト・マネジャー)


death trap《口語》 死の落とし穴 《人命に危険の恐れのある建物・乗物》

Call the hospital. - Which one? - Well, our one. Not the death trap on the main drag. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Dope-running. (ナイト・マネジャー)


It's bloody diabolical. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Please, come back when you have something. Our door is always open. (ナイト・マネジャー)


The drive to create all of this fortune comes from me and me alone. (ナイト・マネジャー)


No phones, no postcards to Devon dumplings.(ナイト・マネジャー)


This is a dark road you've embarked upon. (ナイト・マネジャー)


You must have given them the fright of their lives. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Fizzy drink treatment. Up the nose. Bung the mouth. And if you've got a funnel handy. It's bloody diabolical. (ナイト・マネジャー)


fighting fitbe ~》戦闘準備ができている 《be ~》〈俗〉〔体が〕とても健康である

Thomas is going to be staying for a while till he's fighting fit again. (ナイト・マネジャー)


You chaps better go on ahead, I think. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Bloody good grub. 食事(ナイト・マネジャー)


Tom Quince is on every wanted list on God's earth. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Head-to-toe background check, all avenues. (ナイト・マネジャー)


I will hood you, and hang you up by those lovely ankles. (ナイト・マネジャー)


He's digging his heels in. (ナイト・マネジャー)


If you step out of line, I will make you howl for your mother. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Are you still doing the shellfish soup? - Yes, of course! The recipe lives on. (ナイト・マネジャー)


You weren't the lookout guy. 見張り役(ナイト・マネジャー)


You two still working together? - Yeah. No one is more mystified by that than me. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Corky can't make you out, you see. He is a suspicious chap. 理解する(ナイト・マネジャー)


You spent five years as a night owl in the hotel business. (ナイト・マネジャー)


We're out $7 million. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Well, I wouldn't put it past him. (ナイト・マネジャー)



Is it OK to baptise the princeling in the ways of the grape? この子にワインをあげてもいいですか?(ナイト・マネジャー)


paddy (noun) (UK old-fashioned informal) A very angry state.

There's no need to get in/into a paddy.

It's no good getting in a paddy, my dear. (ナイト・マネジャー)


a bit rum : an expression that means something is unusual, strange, or odd.

He said he wasn't coming, which I thought was a bit rum.

I had a conundrum. "Well," I thought, "This is a bit rum!" (ナイト・マネジャー)


Here at the River. (ナイト・マネジャー)


We keep River House on the outside. (ナイト・マネジャー)


sous-chef :(スーシェフ)とは、フランス語で「副料理長」を意味する言葉です。料理長の業務を補佐する役割を担い、シェフの右腕として厨房での調理を全て担当できる技術が求められます。

He's our seasonal sous-chef from England. (ナイト・マネジャー)


How's his pulse? - Yeah, it's quite sporting all things considered. (ナイト・マネジャー)


He went off-script. Way off-script. (ナイト・マネジャー)


The chief is a stickler for detail. (ナイト・マネジャー)


You are nothing more than a common thief. 40,000 euros swiped from the safe. (ナイト・マネジャー)


He is s positively seething. (ナイト・マネジャー)


I think you might be stringing us along. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Fizzy drink treatment. Up the nose. Bung the mouth. Hits you right in the switchboard. It's bloody diabolical. (ナイト・マネジャー)


The silly sod is insisting on 10%.(ナイト・マネジャー)


All right, now scram. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Don't waste any energy trying to sweet-talk him. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Everyone assumes that I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth. (ナイト・マネジャー)


He was so desperate for a sous-chef, he didn't bother to check references. (ナイト・マネジャー)


I'm not squeaky clean. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Sock him the bad news. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Speedos : a brand name for a style of tight swimwear (= clothing worn for swimming) for men

He can lend you some Speedos. (ナイト・マネジャー)


I run a tight ship here. (ナイト・マネジャー)


We do a little swashbuckling every now and then. (ナイト・マネジャー)


tear it up 〔パーティーなどで〕大騒ぎする、大いに楽しむ -

Tear it up, tear it up. (ナイト・マネジャー)


We'll give you anything in the restaurant till. And then you're gonna leave. Right? (ナイト・マネジャー)


It’s an ongoing anti-arms operation. Standard tracer op. (ナイト・マネジャー)


He's got bad vibes about you. (ナイト・マネジャー)


over the wire : This is an idiom that means transmitting signals from one entity to another. The phrase originated in the 1800s during the telegraph era, when signals were transmitted using metal or glass wires. Today, the transmission medium is often wireless.


Why'd you kill that fellow in Devon? It's all over the wire. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Arming those guys whose mobile phone numbers we happen to have in our address book might be preferable to indulging a whole new bunch of religious lunatics in the Arab Spring about whom we know nothing. (ナイト・マネジャー)


The flight can be terribly bumpy up there even on a clear night. Heroic of you to venture aloft at all, if you ask me. (ナイト・マネジャー)



To him, I was just a man in a uniform. He never knew my name. - So, just a little bit of airbrushing on your document and you'd be clean? (ナイト・マネジャー)


Do you know who is footing my bill? (ナイト・マネジャー)


It's marriage, Jonathan. It's not a state of bliss. (ナイト・マネジャー)


We get him over a barrel and we skewer him. (ナイト・マネジャー)


What did you find? - Bugger all. (ナイト・マネジャー)


The British government has chartered a plane. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Corrupt to the core. (ナイト・マネジャー)


You English, Pine? - To the core, sir. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Let's keep the channels open at all times. 密に連絡を(ナイト・マネジャー)


GCHQ have nothing but dross. (GCHQ : It stands for Government Communications Headquarters, and is a British intelligence and security agency) (ナイト・マネジャー)


directorate 【名】 directorの職

The chief officer at the US Directorate. (ナイト・マネジャー)


I was fetching empties. 空瓶(ナイト・マネジャー)


There is a new free-standing tub. (ナイト・マネジャー)


He is Roper's front man. (ナイト・マネジャー)


hang on by one's fingernailsかろうじて踏みとどまる

Hang on by your fingernail. (ナイト・マネジャー)


GCHQ : It stands for Government Communications Headquarters, and is a British intelligence and security agency

GCHQ have nothing but dross. (ナイト・マネジャー)


I've had GCHQ tapping every bloody email. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Looking for a needle in a haystack. (ナイト・マネジャー)


I'm dealing with it. I have it all in hand. (ナイト・マネジャー)


You are allowed to continue unchecked in your usual headstrong fashion. (ナイト・マネジャー)


We give him a seat in the House of Lords. (ナイト・マネジャー)


19th holeThe term "19th hole" is a slang term for the place where golfers gather after playing a round of golf, such as a pub, bar, or restaurant, often the clubhouse itself.

Play golf, do we, sweetheart? - No, sir, I don't. - Me neither. Just the 19th hole. (ナイト・マネジャー)


hard of thinking (humorous, derogatory) Having difficulty in thinking; stupid.

For the benefit of the hard of thinking in the room, I'll give you the answer. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Don't give anyone an inch. (ナイト・マネジャー)


My good fortune means nothing unless it also lifts up my fellow man. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Three flights up. Lift's broken, but it keeps you fit. (ナイト・マネジャー)


He was my leg man. (ナイト・マネジャー)


1. 〔脚を使って〕取材[情報収集]をする人

2. 〈米俗〉脚フェチ女性のきれいな脚に魅力を感じる男


limp wrist 弱々しい手首 〈米俗・侮蔑的〉男の同性愛者、ホモ(ナイト・マネジャー)


I saw things in Iraq that didn't line up with my idea of what it means to be a soldier. (ナイト・マネジャー)


I shall expect a lavish funeral. (ナイト・マネジャー)


It's got to be a church mouse operation. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Sophie is the name you gave yourself, isn't it? ソフィーは偽名でしょ。(ナイト・マネジャー)


Nefertiti Hotel, Cairo. (ナイト・マネジャー)


19th holeThe term "19th hole" is a slang term for the place where golfers gather after playing a round of golf, such as a pub, bar, or restaurant, often the clubhouse itself.

Play golf, do we, sweetheart? - No, sir, I don't. - Me neither. Just the 19th hole. (ナイト・マネジャー)


I'm obliged to observe club rules. (ナイト・マネジャー)


It's a little outré, I confess, (ナイト・マネジャー)


Speak now, or forever hold your peace. は「意見があれば今話すか、さもなければずっと黙っていてくれ」という意味の英語表現。結婚式での定番のフレーズ。

Now, or forever hold your peace. (ナイト・マネジャー)


There's a new deal in the pipeline. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Red flags will fly. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Is MI6 called the river house? - The building was approved in 1988 and completed in 1994. The cost of the project was £135 million for site purchase and the basic building or £152.6 million including the service's special requirements. In John le Carré novels the building is called The River House.

Throw River House off the scent. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Not a word to the River House. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Does River House know about this? (ナイト・マネジャー)


In the United Kingdom, RM can have multiple meanings, including: Royal Marines

There isn't another RM. (ナイト・マネジャー)


You don't want to get on the wrong side of the Hamids. (ナイト・マネジャー)


If we make an enquiry about it, red flags will fly. - So bury the requests in a pile of slurry. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Do a random sweep on all Brits living offshore. 調べる(ナイト・マネジャー)


You set me up in a shoe box with no heating. (ナイト・マネジャー)


You're made of sterner stuff than I am. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Make sure the ladies are well serviced in the lounge. (ナイト・マネジャー)


What happened in Cairo shames me to the bottom of my soul. (ナイト・マネジャー)


I do hope I'm not about to regret the soft spot that I have for you. (ナイト・マネジャー)


We get him over a barrel and we skewer him. (ナイト・マネジャー)


It benefits me to have the communities sympathetic to my interests. (ナイト・マネジャー)


I want to get him on the inside of Roper's set-up. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Someone in London tipped off Roper. (ナイト・マネジャー)


They fund political parties, they're at every top table you can name. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Make sure they are well serviced in the lounge. Trust that won't be too painful for you because they are beautiful ladies. (ナイト・マネジャー)


You were a soldier yourself, of course. - Yes, I was. Iraq. Two tours. (ナイト・マネジャー)


Try a little thought experiment here. 想像してみてください。(ナイト・マネジャー)


He tuckered all the nice chocolates. (ナイト・マネジャー)


local talent : The local members of the opposite sex that you are looking out for. Often used by males to describe female members of the human race by guys that are looking for them, where they converge in a specific area.

What you doing tonight? - Oh nothing much mate, just going up town to check out the local talent!

He's probably somewhere round there, smoking a ton of pot and trying to sleep with the weekend talent. (ナイト・マネジャー)


You up for it? You sure, are you? (ナイト・マネジャー)


wankers colic : A debilitating disease, which affects those chronically lazy bastards who can't be arsed to get off their fat sweaty buttocks and get a job.


Whatever happened to your hand? - Wanker's colic, chief. (ナイト・マネジャー)