文豪ディケンズの小説を元にした2005年のドラマ。 ヴィクトリア時代の背景もあって語彙は高めでしかも無生物主語が多い。一方貴族階級がたくさん登場するので全体的には聞きやすい部類に入ると思います。
③ アラン・ウッドコートがサマーソンに求婚。
これすべて20分間の出来事。なんだか急にドラマの打ち切りが決定したとしか思えん!! 時間や予算に制約がなければ上記4項目だけであともう1シーズンひっぱれたのにね。主人公のサマーソン、日本人的なチャーミングな顔立ちでしかも溢れんばかりの気品。この女優演じる赤毛のアンを見てみたかった。もう画面越しに会えないのが残念。ペットロスじゃないけどちょっとサマーソンロスです。
I’m worried about what's going to happen to me now and all that. (荒涼館)
He will be here in a little while. - Then we shall just have to amuse each other until he comes. (荒涼館)
He is not to be admitted to this house under any circumstances. (荒涼館)
I hope you will be able to forget the unworthy woman on whom you have wasted a most generous devotion, and who writes this last adieu. (荒涼館)
I have made him my executor to administrate my will. (荒涼館)
Don't go on my account. (荒涼館)
You done all right out of them old letters. (=You have done all right out of their old letters.) 手紙のおかげで儲かりましたね。(荒涼館)
I am out of my articles at Kenge and Carboys and admitted to the role of attorneys in my own right. 見習い期間が終了しました。(荒涼館)
Doesn't bear thinking about that. (荒涼館)
You Beelzebub beast. (荒涼館)
I had thought of selling them on the market to the highest bidder. (荒涼館)
budge up : This is an informal British English phrasal verb that means to move so that there is more room for others.
If you two budge up, I'll be able to sit on the sofa too.
Budge up, you brimstone beast. Let's see what you're sitting on. (荒涼館)
You're looking very well if I might say so, Miss Summerson. Quite exquisite, if I might be so bold. (荒涼館)
His will reduces your bequest considerably. (荒涼館)
The chief beneficiaries of the Jarndyce estate should be them. (荒涼館)
Unpleasant, distasteful, coarse fellow. (荒涼館)
He was making a show of everything like a conjuror at a music hall. (荒涼館)
Shop's shut! Whoever you are, we don't want your custom! 客(荒涼館)
I don't understand how this concerns me. (荒涼館)
He is a true copper-bottomed gent. (荒涼館)
Keep the birds caged up. (荒涼館)
It's consumption, and he hasn't the constitution to fight it any more. (荒涼館)
It's consumption, and he hasn't the constitution to fight it any more. (荒涼館)
I've come so close to telling you that I love you. (荒涼館)
You don't happen to know why they killed the pig? On account of his having too much cheek. (荒涼館)
All in a day's work. 慣れています(荒涼館)
Bring the drowned of the river. (荒涼館)
We've covered all the hotels, the hostels, the sixpenny doss-houses even to look for her. (荒涼館)
Just stop, please. It won't do. (荒涼館)
The Dales are beautiful. Would you like to see the Dales. (荒涼館)
Mr. Carstone is engaged at present. 忙しい(荒涼館)
I will encumber you no more. (荒涼館)
I have made him my executor to administrate my will. (荒涼館)
I wasn't quite prepared for your esteemed presence, Mr. Jarndyce. (荒涼館)
He got very wet fishing out the gun from the river. (荒涼館)
I don't care for the way he goes about it. Making free with one's house. (荒涼館)
Far be it for me to go anywhere where I am not wanted. (荒涼館)
He forces himself out every day, all day, to court. 彼は無理して法廷に出ています。(荒涼館)
The cuffs are a little frayed. (荒涼館)
I don't care for the way he goes about it. (荒涼館)
There is no more to be got from him. (荒涼館)
Would you have the goodness to ask my lady to come down to the library? (荒涼館)
People in desperate states often do go back on things they've said. (荒涼館)
be over your head in debt : to owe so much money that there is no possibility of paying it all back
Swimming over your head in debt is a metaphor that compares the difficulty of managing debt to swimming in deep water. The idea is that the more debt you have, the more difficult it is to stay afloat and maintain direction.
You'd have still been swimming over your head in debt and misery without me. (荒涼館)
Sling your hook! (informal British) leave, go away.
Tell him to sling his hook.
I thought he was going to tell me to sling my hook.
Now, go on, sling your hook. (荒涼館)
This is the most preposterous nonsense. I'll hear no more. (荒涼館)
Let's shake hands on it. (荒涼館)
I first encountered you, your image has been imprinted on my heart. (荒涼館)
This has been a protracted case. It has been a complex case. (荒涼館)
That's jiggered you. 驚かせたか(荒涼館)
with knobs on (British, informal) with extra things added
The movie is just an ordinary thriller with knobs on.
it is the rock 'n' roll statement with knobs on"
Disney World was like an ordinary amusement park with knobs on.
My client is a person of considerable means. - So's mine! With knobs on! (荒涼館)
I might help myself to the wine? - Why not? You always do. - What keen observation. (皮肉) (荒涼館)
I never thought George had the murdering look about him. (荒涼館)
She's staying with Richard in his lodgings. (荒涼館)
Mr. Skimpole was there? - Oh, yes, large as life. (荒涼館)
These letters was from his sweetheart, his little lovey-dovey. (荒涼館)
I have taken a house in the locality of Walcot Square. (荒涼館)
The whole suit lapses and melts away. 訴訟は無効となる(荒涼館)
I've half a mind to skin you and roast you! (荒涼館)
My client is a person of considerable means. お金持ち(荒涼館)
He's coming here to make mischief. (荒涼館)
I've not a penny to me name. (荒涼館)
Use your noddle. (荒涼館)
Sling your hook before I pepper you. (Sling your hook=go away) (荒涼館)
provident society / friendly society : (in British English) An association of people who pay regular dues or other sums in return for old-age pensions, sickness benefits, etc. US term: benefit society
I'm not the District Provident Society. I'm a man of business! (荒涼館)
They live in that damp poky little place! (荒涼館)
Here is me to partake of the wine. それではワインをいただくとするか。(荒涼館)
You poll parrot. (荒涼館)
I'll put the word out about her and search in the usual places. (荒涼館)
He wore out, poor man, and predeceased me. (荒涼館)
rich pickings : "Rich pickings" is an idiom that means there are financial benefits or opportunities to be had.
There are rich pickings to be had by investing in this sort of company.
Investors have found rich pickings in the property market in recent years.
Rich pickings ! (荒涼館)
We can watch our children grow up in green fields, breathing pure air instead of this, pestilential stench! (荒涼館)
This has been a protracted case. It has been a complex case. (荒涼館)
Give it a rest. (荒涼館)
Let the rag and bone man have the rest. (荒涼館)
What I said, I now repudiate with all my heart. (荒涼館)
The court may have already risen. (荒涼館)
Can't you hold this woman still? (荒涼館)
Springing the trap" is an idiom that means to capture someone or something with a trap, such as an animal or criminal. For example, "Police sprang a trap on the drug smugglers". (荒涼館)
Sling your hook! (荒涼館)
He looked wretched, but quite set on staying where he was. (荒涼館)
That's very short-sighted of you. (荒涼館)
He don't stop at nothing. 彼を止めることはできない。(荒涼館)
Give him the slate. Maybe he can write a bit. (荒涼館)
Well I'm stumped. (荒涼館)
He has his heart set on it. (荒涼館)
He has his heart set on you. (荒涼館)
This will bring him to his senses. (荒涼館)
I gave him the slip for once. (荒涼館)
He needs rest, a strengthening diet. (荒涼館)
Hand over the letter, Mr. Smallweed. - Shan't. - Shan't? (荒涼館)
I've scattered your means to the winds. 散財してしまった。(荒涼館)
I won't spoil the surprise by telling you. (荒涼館)
All over, bar the springing of the trap. (trapdoor 絞首刑) (荒涼館)
Our little household's thinning fast. 家から人がどんどんいなくなるね。(荒涼館)
Don't tire yourself. (荒涼館)
I'm not quite the thing. Get so dreadfully tired these days. 体調が悪い(荒涼館)
Opportunities like this don't come twice. (荒涼館)
This suit has been a protracted case. It has been a complex case. (荒涼館)
I wrongfully arrested you. (荒涼館)
Richard looking so ill and wasted. (荒涼館)
if I should wear out, he could take over my judgement. (荒涼館)
He wore out, poor man, and predeceased me. (荒涼館)
He's a good fellow but it’s weary work when you've had a day of him. (荒涼館)
I wronged you. (荒涼館)
I've done you so many wrongs. (荒涼館)
Dust, Ashes, Waste, Want, Ruin! (荒涼館)
I deduce, correct me if I'm going astray. (荒涼館)
He aimed his pistol right between my eyes. (荒涼館)
On such an auspicious occasion. (荒涼館)
My brother is a man of wealth now, and I never amounted to much. (荒涼館)
If ever there was a woman above suspicion, it's Lady Dedlock. (荒涼館)
There's a letter addressed to you here. (荒涼館)
I do sometimes feel the need to take the air before retiring. 就寝の前に散歩をするの。(荒涼館)
The purpose of the walk was to take the air. (荒涼館)
No one is above the law. (荒涼館)
Mr. Smallweed is just a little ball of bitterness and spite. (荒涼館)
I begin to think that you want to see the back of me. (荒涼館)
I couldn't shoot a man in cold blood. (荒涼館)
You’ll have three years hard labour for withholding evidence if you don't cough up. (荒涼館)
She has a good constitution. (荒涼館)
Friendship is friendship, but duty is duty. I never want the two to clash if I can help it. (荒涼館)
Her Ladyship will see you now, if you'd care to come up. (荒涼館)
A poor crossing-sweeper boy. (荒涼館)
I don't give it any credit. (荒涼館)
I could cook him! (荒涼館)
She's a strange little creature in some ways. (荒涼館)
Not even a fellow like that would keep a girl cooped up for the rest of her life. (荒涼館)
Take a seat and a drop of this wine. 飲んでくれ(荒涼館)
I heard a deal about you. (荒涼館)
Let's not dwell on our differences now. (荒涼館)
Later will do as well as sooner. 後で対処するのもいいだろう。(荒涼館)
How I wish we could reward you in accordance with your deserts. (荒涼館)
I thought that disagreeable business was all done with. (荒涼館)
Oh, my eye. 大変だ(荒涼館)
I'm ever so glad you're here. (荒涼館)
I believe he barely took his eyes off you. 彼はあなたに気があるのよ。(荒涼館)
At all events, it's no worse here than Army life. (荒涼館)
Why ever not, George? (荒涼館)
Leave my house or I shall have you ejected. (荒涼館)
She had a black-fringed shawl held over her face. (荒涼館)
All our money goes on finery for him, the old fraud. (荒涼館)
A glass of wine does raise the spirits, don't you find? (荒涼館)
Frog in my throat. (荒涼館)
I fluctuate a little Sometimes I hope, and sometimes I, Well, not despair exactly, but pretty close
Will you take a glass, Mr. Bucket? 一杯飲みませんか(荒涼館)
What good will it do me? (荒涼館)
The guv'nor is not the sort of a man to be persuaded. (荒涼館)
Who gave you this? - Just some little guttersnipe, sir. (荒涼館)
I must get along or I'll be late. (荒涼館)
I see, hoity-toity. Well, I don't stay where I'm not wanted. (荒涼館)
No heart there at all. 感情がない(荒涼館)
Very handsome of you, guv'nor. (荒涼館)
I humbly beg your pardon, sir. (荒涼館)
I won't hear of it. : This is an expression that means you will not allow something to happen, typically when you want to do something good for someone.
I wanted to pay but she wouldn't hear of it.
We're broken, and that's the long and short of it. - No, not a fine, strong fellow like you. Never. I won't hear of it. (荒涼館)
I've killed men often enough in the heat of battle. (荒涼館)
We'll soon have you out of here. (荒涼館)
What had your soldier son to do with Mr. Tulkinghorn? (荒涼館)
He held Mr. Tulkinghorn to blame for it. (荒涼館)
Noble practitioner of the Hippocratic art. (荒涼館)
How goes the world with you? (荒涼館)
He was most insistent on seeing you in person. (荒涼館)
I don't know the ins and outs of it, (荒涼館)
Have you spoken to a lawyer? - No, sir. I don't take kindly to the breed and I'd rather have nothing to do with them. (荒涼館)
Have a care there, you brimstone beasts, or I'll have the law on you! 訴えてやる(荒涼館)
We're broken, and that's the long and short of it. (荒涼館)
I'm about as low as a man can be. (荒涼館)
I'll go and look him up in his lodgings this evening. (荒涼館)
You have the love of a very dear girl. 君は愛されている。(荒涼館)
I should like to go and visit him and see how he's getting on. (荒涼館)
The stairs leading up to Mr. Tulkinghorn's office. (荒涼館)
I intend to see to it that the ruffians who perpetrated this outrage against civilization suffer the full majesty of the law. (荒涼館)
The shock nearly drove it from my mind. (荒涼館)
Here's to you. Happy birthday and may you have many more. (荒涼館)
I'll gladly meet the cost. (荒涼館)
My son would never do a thing like that. - Many a mother has said that before. (荒涼館)
Be quiet, mademoiselle, please. (荒涼館)
You numskulls! (荒涼館)
He goes under the name of Sergeant George. (荒涼館)
One would hope. (荒涼館)
One would have thought that he would at least wait. (荒涼館)
Things come to such a pass. (荒涼館)
I intend to see to it that the ruffians who perpetrated this outrage against civilization suffer the full majesty of the law. (荒涼館)
Its powerful purgative action will soon see you right. (荒涼館)
The medicine may be rubbed gently into the skin in cases of scabies and pustules. (荒涼館)
The blackguard perpetrated this vile deed. (荒涼館)
Turn up like a bad penny. (荒涼館)
Now I'm out of pocket. 金がない(荒涼館)
You thought you might as well pop up and have a word with him right away. 行く(荒涼館)
I may say my medicine has never been called into question before. (荒涼館)
A few questions I'd like to put to Her Ladyship. (荒涼館)
George has agreed to a lawyer representing him. (荒涼館)
He's giving them no rest. We shall rouse up that nest of sleepers. (荒涼館)
We can surmise that this was no accident. (荒涼館)
No-one to go up without Inspector Bucket's say-so. (荒涼館)
I've heard him threaten to kill Mr. Tulkinghorn scores of times. (荒涼館)
The medicine may be rubbed gently into the skin in cases of scabies and pustules. (荒涼館)
My wife, Lady Dedlock, has been greatly shaken by this. - Murder's a shaking thing, (荒涼館)
Don't you worry about me, guv'nor. Old soldiers never die, eh? 老兵死せず。(荒涼館)
I'm the black sheep of the family, I am. (荒涼館)
though I say it myself「自分で言うのはおかしいが」という意味。自分自身や自分がしたことに対して褒めたいけれど、あまりにも自慢げに聞こえないようにしたいときに使用します。
I'm a good cook, though I say it myself.
Even though I do say it myself, we've probably got the best little restaurant in town.
Though I say it myself, I think I did quite well. 自分で言うのはおかしいが、我ながらよくやったと思う。
I'm very good with a needle, though I say it myself. (荒涼館)
We're doing very well at present. We really are spinning along. 順調だ(荒涼館)
I'll go shares with ya. (荒涼館)
What do you want? - No need to take that tone with me, George. (荒涼館)
How am I to know? (荒涼館)
Who's to know? (荒涼館)
How goes the world with you? - Tolerably well. (荒涼館)
Memory can play funny tricks. (荒涼館)
He has uttered threats. (荒涼館)
Your mother is utterly incapable of such a thing. (荒涼館)
What use are they to him? (荒涼館)
It's a good thing I'm not vain about my appearance, or I'd be mortified. 見た目を気にしていないので大丈夫だよ。(荒涼館)
Nothing ventured, nothing gained. (荒涼館)
Now make way! 動け(荒涼館)
I don't stay where I'm not wanted. (荒涼館)
What should all this wretched business matter on her birthday? (荒涼館)
I wish I could see my way to making a living a little more clearly. (荒涼館)
I hope you won't think any the worse of me. (荒涼館)
It frightened the wits out of him. (荒涼館)
He is wrongly accused. (荒涼館)
Another adjournment? Again, nothing done ! (荒涼館)
We have received an invitation from a very august personage. (荒涼館)
An application to Mr. John Jarndyce rarely goes amiss. (荒涼館)
She is a very agreeable young woman. (荒涼館)
I can't give my heart to it, or my mind or my soul or I can't attend to anything. (荒涼館)
Before I'd have described him as animated. Now, perhaps, "agitated".(荒涼館)
He was very attentive to Esther. - He was not! He was polite and kind, like a gentleman. (荒涼館)
I shan't go back on my word! (荒涼館)
We've come to see an officer who's billeted here. (荒涼館)
She's not well bred. (荒涼館)
Insolent blackguard ! (荒涼館)
Where did you think of going, Jo? - Burying ground. 死んで埋葬されると思う。(荒涼館)
Where did you think of going, Jo? - Burying ground. 死んで埋葬されると思う。 - By and by, Jo Not yet. (荒涼館)
That man bears a heavy weight of blame. あの男は非難されるべきだ。(荒涼館)
It's very hot and close in here. (荒涼館)
It's just a short step to my chambers. (荒涼館)
I've come to call in your debt. (荒涼館)
This dreadful Chancery case. (荒涼館)
I have one or two debts of honour. (荒涼館)
I could do with a good friend. (荒涼館)
Chill, damp journey. (荒涼館)
Money will be eaten up in debts he has incurred. (荒涼館)
Could you tell us how to get to the barracks? - Surely, Miss. Nothing easier. お安い御用で。(荒涼館)
Your temperament is too fiery to be suitable for a lady's maid. (荒涼館)
You have filled my life with joy. (荒涼館)
She is a very agreeable young woman. (荒涼館)
I reserve the right to take what action I see fit. (荒涼館)
growlery : (in British English) (old-fashioned) A place to retreat to, alone, when ill-humoured.
This, you must know, is the Growlery. When I am out of humour, I come and growl here.
Could you come and see me in the growlery in a little while? (荒涼館)
How much good will it do me? (荒涼館)
How could I leave things hanging? (荒涼館)
A man who has been harrying him. (荒涼館)
What possible harm can it do? (荒涼館)
Brass handled coffin. 棺には真鍮がつく(荒涼館)
She invited you to her house. You must have made a great impression on her. (荒涼館)
You are not intending to accept, are you? (荒涼館)
Money will be eaten up in debts he has incurred. (荒涼館)
After the news, my digestion is much impaired. (荒涼館)
I hope you will think kindly of me. (荒涼館)
With your permission, I will take my leave, sir. (荒涼館)
You think he's taken leave of his senses. (荒涼館)
I could be as meek as a queen dove. (荒涼館)
Mess bills. (荒涼館)
I never meant her no harm? (荒涼館)
Where are you going at this time of night? - Never you mind. (荒涼館)
It seems a friendly warning might be in order. (荒涼館)
You will not draw attention to yourself by doing anything out of the ordinary. (荒涼館)
He has no present means at all. (荒涼館)
Do you presume to tell me how to run my household? (荒涼館)
You needn't pity me. (荒涼館)
Pray God he lives that long. There's very little I can do for him. (荒涼館)
We shall be quartered at the place for the time being. 召集された(荒涼館)
Move on and quick about it. (荒涼館)
The proposal has been repudiated. (荒涼館)
I, at any rate, cannot go to Chesney Wold. (荒涼館)
Everything could be put right. (荒涼館)
he was just riff raff. I sent him off. (荒涼館)
Anything that we can do for you, to set your mind at rest? (荒涼館)
You would take no action without reference to me. (荒涼館)
I reserve the right to take what action I see fit. (荒涼館)
I thought you'd retired for the night. (荒涼館)
Sir Leicester has retired for the night. (荒涼館)
We have our shoulders to the wheel, and the wheel is going round. (荒涼館)
I'm sure that he wouldn't have felt slighted in the least by not being invited here. (荒涼館)
I love you, Esther. There I've said it. (荒涼館)
You startled me. (荒涼館)
In the little sitting room. (荒涼館)
Paying the debt would put me straight and clear. (荒涼館)
Now you tell me I'm not straight and clear after all? - That's about the size of it. (荒涼館)
Now you tell me I'm not straight and clear after all? - That's about the size of it. (荒涼館)
I have staved off many little problems for him, but there is a limit to staving off. (荒涼館)
sell out : A common expression for the compromising of a person's integrity, morality, authenticity, or principles by forgoing the long-term benefits of the collective or group in exchange for personal gain, such as money or power.
I believe he intends to sell out of the army. (荒涼館)
He thinks of me as a child still. (荒涼館)
As snug and cozy a room as any. (荒涼館)
I'm selling out. 軍隊をやめる(荒涼館)
He's no weight at all for me to carry, poor wee scrap.子供(荒涼館)
He sought my assistance in finding a place. (荒涼館)
All proper and shipshape. (荒涼館)
I think not! (荒涼館)
Don't put me to the test, young woman ! (荒涼館)
tout de suite : (adverb) immediately; at once.
She left tout de suite.
Unless you prefer to be clapped in irons tout de suite. (荒涼館)
passing the time of day : This is an idiom that means to have a short, friendly conversation with someone
I was merely passing the time of day. (荒涼館)
I understand that you wish to protect your little favourite girl from the taint of association with you. (荒涼館)
Your memory must be playing tricks on you. (荒涼館)
140 all told. (荒涼館)
Where I was took. (荒涼館)
Spare an innocent girl from the taint of scandal. (荒涼館)
Dead and dying thus around us. (荒涼館)
So will you be so good as to unbolt the door? (荒涼館)
I have an aged father in the Vale of Taunton. (荒涼館)
I was never vain about my looks. (荒涼館)
What should that be to us? (反語) (荒涼館)
Who would have thought of seeing you here? (反語) (荒涼館)
Just give me an hour or two to wind things up here. (荒涼館)
He will have Rick safely in his sticky web to consume him entirely at his leisure. (荒涼館)
I don't want to take the boy to a hospital or a workhouse. (荒涼館)
The story must, I suppose, be apocryphal. (荒涼館)
Most people would do far better to leave marriage alone. 結婚はするべきではない(荒涼館)
A bundle of letters. (荒涼館)
You brimstone beast? (荒涼館)
No matter what he did, he could not bend her to his will. (荒涼館)
I was quite well but a moment ago. 少し前まで元気でした。(荒涼館)
Invite you to stay, then abandon you to your fate like the babes in the wood. (荒涼館)
You are selling it to me for only Ten pounds? Do you think I'm a new born baby. (荒涼館)
The baronetcy. (荒涼館)
I'm not sure I'd feel comfortable about being seen outside our little circle with my pock marked face. (荒涼館)
I was very ill at my confinement. (荒涼館)
When did you first conceive this plan? (荒涼館)
It's very difficult to settle to anything until our Chancery suit is decided. (荒涼館)
What if nothing were to come of it after all? (荒涼館)
How did that come about? (荒涼館)
Set up chambers of your own, have you, Mr. Guppy? (荒涼館)
My clerk will bring you the money before close of business today. (荒涼館)
I must now ask you to keep your own counsel for the time being about what we both know. (荒涼館)
He'll be drawn to ruin. (荒涼館)
draw it mild 〈主に英話〉誇張せず話す
No admittance to loiterers, hawkers and thieves. No admittance to anybody in this shop. Get out. - Draw it mild, Mr. Smallweed. (荒涼館)
He and I must agree to differ. (荒涼館)
The search fees, and the attendance fees, and the various disbursements. (荒涼館)
It’s all so deuced expensive. (荒涼館)
I am to drag my present life out. 今の生活をだらだら続ける(荒涼館)
I hope you'll both stay for supper. Mr. Grubble has engaged to do his best for us. (荒涼館)
I'm eternally grateful to him for doing so. (荒涼館)
The wind is in the east there. (荒涼館)
The truth emerged. (荒涼館)
I foreclose on the debt. (荒涼館)
I choose to foreclose on the debt. (荒涼館)
no fear! : (idiom UK informal) Certainly not. Used as an emphatic expression of denial or refusal.
Are you coming to the concert? - No fear!
Should you like to live in a place like this, Charley? - No fear, Miss. (荒涼館)
Let someone hold him back and all may yet be well. 彼を止めればうまくいくでしょう。(荒涼館)
I can lay my hands on the letters? (荒涼館)
Though I were dragged apart by horses, until I was torn in pieces, I wouldn't breathe a word of it. (荒涼館)
Now, pay heed. (荒涼館)
If only Jarndyce had heeded my advice. (荒涼館)
Did any money change hands? お金がからんでいるのですか(荒涼館)
If I was to have a sight of the letters, Mr. Smallweed, I may be able to offer something a little bit more handsome. (荒涼館)
Name of your private client? - Not at liberty to disclose it, sir. Wild horses wouldn't drag it from me. (荒涼館)
No ghosts? No hobgoblins? (荒涼館)
This is to be hushed up. (荒涼館)
This is Mr. Vholes. Mr. Carstone's indefatigable attorney. (荒涼館)
Home again, home again, jiggety jig. (荒涼館)
Your misfortune has not made you any less lovable than you were. (荒涼館)
Closed for business! No admittance to loiterers. (荒涼館)
She lamed the horses. So they couldn't ride out to battle. (荒涼館)
I fell in love with a young officer, and I lay with him the night before he went away. (荒涼館)
They are making a meal of him. 彼を利用するつもりだな。(荒涼館)
The meat of the matter, as one might say, is it is postponed till Wednesday fortnight. (荒涼館)
She'll pay a nominal sum. (荒涼館)
You mean you'll pay a nominal sum to me, and she'll pay you a king's ransom, you young blaggard! (荒涼館)
Don't you turn your nose up at me. (荒涼館)
I find my house in very good order. (荒涼館)
I shouldn't think there's a man in the world who'd want to marry a pock-marked nobody like me. (荒涼館)
poll parrot : (dated) A tame parrot. (archaic, slang) A talkative, gossiping woman.
You poll-parrot. (荒涼館)
He's most pressing. (荒涼館)
There is a price to be paid for acts of defiance. (荒涼館)
I am most prodigiously obliged to you. (荒涼館)
I won't be done out of my rights. 権利が私にもある(荒涼館)
For the rag and bone man. (荒涼館)
Her poor face is terrible scarred from the smallpox. (荒涼館)
put one’s shoulder to the wheel : This is an idiom that means to work hard or make a strenuous effort, especially on a difficult task
What a man for putting his shoulder to the wheel ! (荒涼館)
If you met Vholes, you'd set all doubt aside. 疑いをやめるだろう。(荒涼館)
like a shot : If someone does something like a shot, they do it quickly and enthusiastically.
If I had the chance to go to Paris, I'd be there like a shot.
why not give up all the fortune? - Give it up? Ada, I would. I'd do it like a shot. (荒涼館)
Seize the moment. (荒涼館)
I have a perfect right to be here. - Only on my say so. (荒涼館)
A thousand pardons for this intrusion upon the sylvan scene. (荒涼館)
Miss Summerson, always so sharp. 冷たいね(荒涼館)
Get out before I set the dogs on you. (荒涼館)
If I was to have a sight of the letters, Mr Smallweed, I may be able to offer something a little bit more handsome. (荒涼館)
We have our shoulders to the wheel. No stone is left unturned. (荒涼館)
We have our shoulders to the wheel. No stone is left unturned. (荒涼館)
We are all out of sorts today, Rosa. (荒涼館)
Sir Leicester is out of sorts. (荒涼館)
Is that why you're out of sorts, milady? (荒涼館)
He has sided against me with the rabble. (荒涼館)
Am I to send him through the paper to say that he's released of the debt? 通知を送りましょうか(荒涼館)
We're up to our throats in letters here! (荒涼館)
I don't care tuppence about it. (荒涼館)
on that tack : This means to continue with the same course of action or direction. The expression "tack" comes from nautical terms, where it refers to a boat's direction in relation to the wind, or a change in direction. For example, a sailboat tacks back and forth when sailing against the wind.
I do not think he would have come to the house if he had known you were here. - Still on that tack, is he? まだ彼は私の意見に反対ののだね。(荒涼館)
You can save yourself the trouble. (荒涼館)
It is not to be thought of. 考えられない(荒涼館)
That's very vain of me. (荒涼館)
I can't see my way out of it It's that, or on the street. (荒涼館)
We might see our way to entering into negotiations with your lady client. (荒涼館)
I was a willful and impetuous young woman. (荒涼館)
What a wretched dog I am ! (荒涼館)
You've been wearing yourself out with waiting and anxiety. (荒涼館)
I have done you wrong and done Rick wrong. (荒涼館)
Sir Leicester is driven out of his wits or laid on his death-bed. (荒涼館)
You were his attendant in illness. (荒涼館)
I have vowed to do everything in my power to advance her interest. (荒涼館)
This is late to be abroad for you. 外出(荒涼館)
This accursed lawsuit's warped him out of himself. (荒涼館)
I had occasion to venture abroad. (荒涼館)
A small part of him still alight, with blue flame playing round about. (荒涼館)
A thousand apologies. (荒涼館)
Your Ladyship is very affable. (荒涼館)
I made you a promise a long time ago, and I'll never go back on it. (荒涼館)
He should have a title bestowed upon him. (荒涼館)
That old brimstone beast had something worth snaffling. 奴は価値のあるものを持っていた。(荒涼館)
The debt could be called in at any moment? - Quick as lightning. (荒涼館)
I'm confounded if I know what the fellow could possibly want from us. (荒涼館)
close one / close call / close shave危ないところ、危機一髪、あわや大惨事
Phew, that was a close one. : ふぅ、危ないとこだった。(荒涼館)
Bring the secret letters to Your Ladyship in strict confidence. (荒涼館)
I have a constitutional objection to this kind of thing. 周りの人間に??(荒涼館)
It is my considered opinion that you are very unwise in giving him house room at all. (荒涼館)
He's gone. - Gone? - Gone clean off. すっかりいなくなりましたわ。(荒涼館)
I found it very close tonight. 息苦しく感感じた(荒涼館)
A case of spontaneous combustion. (荒涼館)
It's a brave man who tries to cross Mr. Tulkinghorn. タルキンホーンを怒らせる奴はほとんどいない(荒涼館)
Oh, have a care, you slaughterhouse ruffians. (荒涼館)
Call in his debts. Squeeze him dry. (荒涼館)
Your offer counts very little. - Let's see you smashed to sawdust, see how that counts with you. (荒涼館)
All our views are so diametrically opposed. (荒涼館)
I pray to God she may survive this. - But the deuce of it is, if she does live, which is unlikely, she'll be so horridly disfigured from small pox. (荒涼館)
Any person of a sensitive disposition will find her too distressing a sight to bear because of the small pox. (荒涼館)
The room is at your disposal. (荒涼館)
The young woman is willing to engage herself. (荒涼館)
Up to no good, Mr Guppy? - Your Honour, I take grave exception to that insinuation. (荒涼館)
There's a fire in me belly. 腹に効くな(荒涼館)
I don't think, not to put too fine a point upon it, that the meat was quite fresh when they were shown the gridiron. (荒涼館)
I never thought my face would be my fortune, and now I'm quite sure of it. 用紙に恵まれているとは思っていなかったけどこれで確実ね(荒涼館)
I come to the last point in the case, as far as I have got it up. 理解する??(荒涼館)
Miss Summerson is gravely ill. (荒涼館)
I don't think, not to put too fine a point upon it, that the meat was quite fresh when they were shown the gridiron. (荒涼館)
They've put me in a hard place. A very hard place. (荒涼館)
I believe I've been put in a hard spot. (荒涼館)
No harm will come to anyone from it? (荒涼館)
If you are afraid of doing injury to Captain Hawdon, you may set your mind at rest about that. (荒涼館)
I shall very strongly recommend my son to conquer his present inclinations. 息子に今の情熱をあきらめるてもらいたい。(荒涼館)
It's impossible for him to do better than to take my offer. (荒涼館)
I bear him no ill will for it. (荒涼館)
I find it more natural to be on my legs on such an occasion. 立ったままがいいです(荒涼館)
Bring me a looking-glass. (荒涼館)
I'll make you out one day, I will. お前を理解してやる(荒涼館)
If something is the making of a person or thing, it is the reason that they become successful or become very much better than they used to be.
Life will be the making of him. This is an idiom that means life will help him develop good qualities and characteristics that he might not have developed without it.
There is a good deal of gaming, in which he does not join. - Perhaps life will be the making of him. その生活で今の彼があるのだね。(荒涼館)
You're all mixed up, cos you've got fever. 混乱している(荒涼館)
Am I much marked by small pox? (荒涼館)
Smash him to sawdust! If need be. (荒涼館)
Pray explain what you mean. (荒涼館)
My wife and I were plainly brought up, but we have risen in the world. (荒涼館)
This young woman whom my Lady has placed near her person was educated here. (荒涼館)
We are obliged to you for the plainness with which you have spoken. (荒涼館)
You're half pickled already, ain't you? 酔っぱらっている(荒涼館)
Sir Leicester is partial to lamb. (荒涼館)
That preening young villain. (荒涼館)
The doctors didn't think you'd pull through it. (荒涼館)
A thousand pardons. (荒涼館)
To prolong this discussion would be repellent to your feelings and would be repellent to mine. (荒涼館)
My son particularly wished to be remembered to you all. (荒涼館)
A bit of country air, Jo. That'll see you right. (荒涼館)
You mustn't reproach yourself. (荒涼館)
If you are afraid of doing injury to Captain Hawdon, you may set your mind at rest about that. (荒涼館)
Charley is worn to rags sitting up with her night after night. くたくた(荒涼館)
a rag-and-bone man / ragpicker (UK English) / ragman / old-clothesman / junkman / junk dealer (US English) / a bone-grubber / bone-picker / chiffonnier / rag-gatherer / rag-picker / bag board / totter : They collect unwanted household items and sells them to merchants.
rag and bottle : This is an adjective that was first used in the 1820s. It may also refer to a rag and bottle man, a person who collected rags and bottles for a living in Victorian London. Buying cheap, and selling at a swingeing profit, the rag-and-bottle man is almost invariably a prosperous trader. (荒涼館)
Mr. Krook, landlord and proprietor of Krook's Rag and Bottle Warehouse. (荒涼館)
I remarked upon the greasy odours on the air. (荒涼館)
Mr. Snagsby and I remarked upon it. (荒涼館)
Saved many lives. The whole country rings with it. 国中で話題になっている(荒涼館)
How will the matter rest with your conscience? (反語) (荒涼館)
This is a sorrowful case. (荒涼館)
The boy is safely stowed. (荒涼館)
His suit in the Chancery Court. 訴訟(荒涼館)
The deceased was a habitual consumer of vast amounts of spirituous liquor. (荒涼館)
Sit down, or stay standing, if you please. (荒涼館)
That old brimstone beast had something worth snaffling. 奴は価値のあるものを持っていた。(荒涼館)
Sergeant George is in debt, is he not? - He is indeed. Right up to his throat he is. (荒涼館)
I dare say there's a good deal of that goes on. (荒涼館)
All right in a tick. (荒涼館)
You had better turn him out. (荒涼館)
I hope you're not tiring her. (荒涼館)
Through it all, he was a hero. (荒涼館)
It is causing me to be posted all over London like a box of tripes! (荒涼館)
I have vowed to do everything in my power to advance her interest. (荒涼館)
What is that to you? それは君にどういう関係があるんだ(反語)(荒涼館)
He left nothing behind him which to identify him. (荒涼館)
Give way there! 道を開けろ(荒涼館)
I believe I have the pleasure of addressing Mr. Jarndyce? お会いできてうれしいです(荒涼館)
A thousand apologies. (荒涼館)
airs and graces : (idiom) False ways of behaving that are intended to make other people feel that you are important and belong to a high social class.
put on airs and graces
He was always putting on airs and graces.
She's got no reason to give herself airs and graces.
She seemed a very pleasant young lady. No airs and graces. (荒涼館)
Whatever can have induced that transcendent woman to marry that effigy of a baronet is an impenetrable mystery. (荒涼館)
The mother brought her up in secrecy since her birth, Had blotted out all trace of her existence. (荒涼館)
Perhaps the law's not the boy for me after all. (荒涼館)
A welsher. A bilker. A defalcator. (荒涼館)
You brimstone black people! (荒涼館)
I think I might bring it off. (荒涼館)
An arrow launched at my brow. 頭に矢を打ち込まれた気分だ(荒涼館)
Pa's bankrupt and the bailiffs are in. (荒涼館)
Nothing will come of it. (荒涼館)
in clover〔生活が〕安楽に、裕福に◆【語源】家畜が豊富な牧草の中にいる様子から
Many retired people live in clover in that wealthy housing development. 多くの引退した人が、高級な住宅地で安楽に暮らしている。
If we could ferret that out, we'd be in clover. (荒涼館)
He's a funny old cove. (荒涼館)
The policeman has got the crossing-sweeper boy with him. (荒涼館)
A poor crossing-sweeper boy. (荒涼館)
You will confer upon me the favour of your distinguished recommendation? (荒涼館)
I intend to purchase a commission in a good regiment. 将校になるつもりです(荒涼館)
We are to congratulate you on your commission in the army. (荒涼館)
Take a drop yourself? 飲んで(荒涼館)
It is not convenient. I am in deshabille. 寝巻(荒涼館)
The gentleman had defaulted on his debts and gone missing. (荒涼館)
A welsher. A bilker. A defalcator. (荒涼館)
Whatever can have induced that transcendent woman to marry that effigy of a baronet is an impenetrable mystery. (荒涼館)
O give thanks unto the Lord, for his mercy endureth for ever. (荒涼館)
Will you engage for his moving on? 管理する(荒涼館)
I've exhausted my present resources. (荒涼館)
east wind : The phrase "feel a touch of the east wind" could refer to a few different things, including:
1. A symbol of divine punishment. In the Old Testament, the east wind is referred to as the "wind of the Lord" and symbolizes the Lord's destructive power over the wicked.
2. A symbol of calamity. In the Bible, an east wind is associated with calamity, while a west wind is associated with moving towards God.
I feel a touch of the east wind. (荒涼館)
3. A symbol of the spread of Communism. The east wind symbolizes the spread of Communism across Western Europe and America.
You haven't got a very enquiring mind, have you, Mr. Carstone? You won't get far in the law like that. (荒涼館)
I fancy the weather's on the turn. (fancy=think) (荒涼館)
The weather's on the turn. 雨が降りそうだ(荒涼館)
Don't found your hope on that wretched court case! (荒涼館)
Bloodsuckers like you feasted on him when he was down. (荒涼館)
fun-fair 【名】〈英〉遊園地
all the fun of the fair : This means a lot of fun.
You're half the fun of the fair at Chancery, you are. (荒涼館)
Laid up with the gout! Serve him right. (荒涼館)
Owes me hundreds of pounds and gone to ground. (荒涼館)
He turned into a scoundrel and a blackguard, a gyper and a sneak! (荒涼館)
He was a gallant officer. (荒涼館)
I'm keeping my nose to Mr. George's grindstone. (荒涼館)
The game's up now. (=over) (荒涼館)
I can't make head nor tail of it. (荒涼館)
Let's shake hands on it. (荒涼館)
hold hardひたむきな姿勢を保つ、一生懸命でいる
Hold hard, Mr. Carstone, sir. Let's not run before we can walk. (荒涼館)
hit home : (of a blow or a missile) Reach an intended target.
strike home撃ち殺してくれ(荒涼館)
Whatever can have induced that transcendent woman to marry that effigy of a baronet is an impenetrable mystery. (荒涼館)
You haven't got a very enquiring mind, have you, Mr. Carstone? You won't get far in the law like that. (荒涼館)
I've got an inkling they're all connected up somehow. (荒涼館)
He pawned some medals the day he died. And? One of them was inscribed with the name of Captain Hawdon. (荒涼館)
You know it's time to knuckle down and make something of yourself. 自立する(荒涼館)
He's keen as mustard. (荒涼館)
I lay no prohibition on my guests. (荒涼館)
Maids are for the likes of Lady Dedlock, not the likes of me. (荒涼館)
He looks in there most days. 訪問する(荒涼館)
If Mr. Carstone were to give his full mind to it, he would be very good. (荒涼館)
Arrogant Numskull is here. (荒涼館)
What is it? - Only that you seem so very serious. ただ真剣な雰囲気お顔でしたので。(荒涼館)
Off with you now. (荒涼館)
Upon my honour, I haven't the least idea of where he might be. (荒涼館)
Oh, you clumsy oaf! (荒涼館)
It was your duty to do penance for your mother's sin. (荒涼館)
He pawned some medals. (荒涼館)
It is well your sainted mother is spared this pang. (荒涼館)
We want to put a question or two to him. (荒涼館)
I've resolved never to set foot on Dedlock's land. (荒涼館)
I'd have a bit of a root about in Krook's place. 探す(荒涼館)
Hold hard, Mr. Carstone, sir. Let's not run before we can walk. (hold hardひたむきな姿勢を保つ、一生懸命でいる) (荒涼館)
It stands to reason I'd like to see you straight. (荒涼館)
A woman I knew who was living in seclusion. (荒涼館)
I hope I did not startle you. (荒涼館)
She gave the crossing-sweeper boy a sov to show her round. (sov=sovereign) (荒涼館)
sheep rot肝蛭症a disease of the liver (especially in sheep and cattle) caused by liver flukes and their by-products. 肝吸虫とその副生物によって生じる肝臓の疾患(特にヒツジとウシ)。
They've been going down with the smallpox here, like sheep with the rot, poor devils. (荒涼館)
All squared then? 解決した? (荒涼館)
Who's to say that? (荒涼館)
What has happened since then has strengthened me in that view. (荒涼館)
He has accommodation of a rough sort. (荒涼館)
He ain't a stayer. この修行に耐えられそうもない(荒涼館)
You're a man of sense. 分別のある男だ。(荒涼館)
Whatever can have induced that transcendent woman to marry that effigy of a baronet is an impenetrable mystery. (荒涼館)
The weather's on the turn. 雨が降りそうだ(荒涼館)
I turned out his pockets, found this half-crown. ポケットを裏返しにした。(荒涼館)
The flowers in the drawing room are looking rather tired. (荒涼館)
Nice little business you got here, Mr George. - Worth a bit, I'd say. - Come to turn me out of it, have you? 立ち退けと言いに来たのか(荒涼館)
It would seem so to the untutored eye. (荒涼館)
He has his way to make. 進む, 行く(荒涼館)
No man or woman worth a thought would think any the worse of you for that. (荒涼館)
Weary work. (荒涼館)
I believe the law is not the best profession for Richard. - That may well be. (荒涼館)
A welsher. A bilker. A defalcator. (荒涼館)
She is my amanuensis. (荒涼館)
Not on any account. (荒涼館)
She makes such an ass of herself. (荒涼館)
A few fresh affidavits have been put upon the file. (荒涼館)
I have no aptitude for worldly affairs. (荒涼館)
He feels a delicacy about applying to Mr. Jarndyce. 頼むのは心苦しいと感じている(荒涼館)
My mother has a little property, which takes the form of a small life annuity. (荒涼館)
I have aversion to all that blood. (荒涼館)
I'm no-one of any account. (荒涼館)
He used to say I was better than "land ahead" or a "breeze astern".(荒涼館)
You see, if I went into Kenge's office, if I were placed under articles to Kenge, I should be able to keep an eye on our case. (荒涼館)
Don't you know? - Not in the least. We're like the babes in the wood. (荒涼館)
As far as worldly matters are concerned, I am but a child. (荒涼館)
I am blest if I do. そんなことは断じてせぬ
Blest if I can ever have seen her. (荒涼館)
You little blackguard ! (荒涼館)
A fellow can have more than one string to his bow! (荒涼館)
Boythorn is such a boisterous man. I can't abide the fellow. (荒涼館)
I've been thinking that the law is the boy for me. (荒涼館)
Nothing of consequence. (荒涼館)
Oh! Have a care there, sir. 気をつけろ - I do beg your pardon. (荒涼館)
There are lots of claimants, and the claims get passed down through the generations. (荒涼館)
Shall we go before the Chancellor? (荒涼館)
I was on the old school bench construing Latin verses. (荒涼館)
Mrs. Jellyby presents her compliments to Mrs. Swallow. ご挨拶(荒涼館)
Such beautiful creatures. (荒涼館)
A long Chancery suit is very much in the way of things 長い大法院訴訟は非常に邪魔だ(荒涼館)
I covet nothing. (荒涼館)
A lovely young creature. (荒涼館)
Cold as stone. (荒涼館)
That makes you a person of some consequence. (荒涼館)
a crossing sweeper : He/she was a person working as a street sweeper who would sweep a path ahead of people crossing dirty urban streets in exchange for a gratuity. This practice was an informal occupation among the urban poor, primarily during the 19th century.
I have spoken to a crossing sweeper. (荒涼館)
Is this consecrated ground? (荒涼館)
An old debt has been called in. 請求された。(荒涼館)
A great beauty in her day. (荒涼館)
It would be a great deal better for us. (荒涼館)
I’m bored with this detestable monotony. (荒涼館)
I know her. I'm dashed if I don't think. (荒涼館)
Why are we drawn into this? (荒涼館)
I determined never to be drawn into this case. (荒涼館)
Dead as a doornail. (荒涼館)
I found him dead. He had taken an overdose of opium. Whether by design or accident, impossible to be certain. (荒涼館)
I enrolled at Academy of Dance and Deportment in Newman Street. (荒涼館)
Now you can dance and deport yourself? (荒涼館)
his Pa just preens about in the dance class, showing off his deportment. (荒涼館)
Does he teach deportment? (荒涼館)
My Africa project employs my whole time. (荒涼館)
Will you be embarking on this charitable expedition? (荒涼館)
Mr. Tulkinghorn's long effusions〔感情などの〕吐露、発露、ほとばしり (荒涼館)
He told the servant quite expressly, "for Miss Summerson".(荒涼館)
They've gone into this dreadful thing through no fault of their own. (荒涼館)
I have been brought up in a sharp school. I've ferreted out evidence. (荒涼館)
What impression did you form of Mr. Nemo, sir? (荒涼館)
He might be a gentleman fallen on hard times. (荒涼館)
The floodgates are opened to chaos, disorder and anarchy. (荒涼館)
By our faults and follies. (荒涼館)
The problem with which we grapple. (荒涼館)
Mr. Tulkinghorn has graced us with his presence this morning. (荒涼館)
for good or ill / for good or bad/ for good or evil善かれあしかれ、良くも悪くも、善きにせよあしきにせよ、いいにつけ悪いにつけ、善しあしは別として
We are here now for good or ill. (荒涼館)
I've ferreted out evidence, and got up cases. (荒涼館)
The law grinds very slow and very fine. 時間がかかる(荒涼館)
He went by the name of Nemo. (荒涼館)
Shall we look in on the court sessions? See how the law grinds on? (荒涼館)
How is the old bird? Thought she was a goner. 死んだ(荒涼館)
These old ladies pay very handsomely for your services, no doubt? – Actually, I treat them gratis. (荒涼館)
I can manage to make a go of it here. (荒涼館)
My deeply held conviction about Africa. (荒涼館)
If I had a hand to spare at present, I'd give it to you. 今は手がいっぱいだ(荒涼館)
I am heartily glad to see you. (荒涼館)
Halfway house for debtors. 負債者の留置施設(荒涼館)
I take it into my head to be that protector. (荒涼館)
I want half a word with you. (荒涼館)
Our stopping to change horses put it quite out of my head. 馬を替えるために立ち止まったせいで、そのことをすっかり忘れてしまっていた。(荒涼館)
These old ladies pay very handsomely for your services, no doubt? (荒涼館)
He will harass poor innocents like me no more. (荒涼館)
He was certainly intemperate. (荒涼館)
Inasmuch as the party of the first part shall be known as the party of the first part. 第一当事者の明確な認知のために(荒涼館)
He's irascible. He's not polite. (荒涼館)
Mr. Carstone had chosen his profession ill-advisedly. (荒涼館)
She gasps, sobs and keens. (荒涼館)
There's a looking-glass there on the wall. (荒涼館)
A change of scene will lighten both our spirits. (荒涼館)
The portrait is of Lady Dedlock as a young woman. It's considered a perfect likeness. (荒涼館)
I promised I'd look in on Miss Flite. (荒涼館)
I don't see why you and Mr. Boythorn shouldn't settle your differences and agree to be good neighbours. - I'll see the fellow in leg-irons before I'm done with him. (荒涼館)
Would it be a lark? (荒涼館)
You can admire as the rest of us do, without taking that liberty. 感心していても触る必要はないでしょ(荒涼館)
I am leaving myself very soon. - Not leaving the poor woman in the lurch, I hope. (荒涼館)
As we know, m'lud. (荒涼館)
In the mildest language, I adore you. (荒涼館)
He is a man of very low character. - That may well be. (荒涼館)
Take no notice of my questions. (荒涼館)
Thanks to my excellent friends, of whom John Jarndyce is one of the very best and kindest. (荒涼館)
Would you partake of some refreshment? (荒涼館)
My client should be fully possessed of all the new developments in the case. (荒涼館)
Omit as many of the formal horrors from the letter as you can. - As your ladyship pleases. (荒涼館)
My principal, Mr. Kenge, has letters of affidavit for Lady Dedlock's attention. (荒涼館)
I’m begging your pardon most profoundly. (荒涼館)
Have pity on me. (荒涼館)
Mr. William Guppy, 87 Penton Place, will suffice. My card. Without prejudice. (荒涼館)
A pauper's burial for Mr. Nemo. (荒涼館)
He's a paragon of virtue.彼は美徳のかがみだ
He's a paragon of fidelity.彼は忠誠のかがみだ
I’m hardly deserving of such a paragon of womanhood. (荒涼館)
For reasons best known to himself, the doctor has chosen to ply his trade amongst the lowest of the low. (荒涼館)
Don't pin your hopes on that. (荒涼館)
I mention it in a postscript in passing. (荒涼館)
His Pa just preens about in the dance class, showing off his deportment. He don't do anything at all except preen about. (荒涼館)
He plies his trade near the Court. (荒涼館)
pattens : This is also known by other names, are protective overshoes that were worn in Europe from the Middle Ages until the early 20th century. In appearance, they sometimes resembled contemporary clogs or sandals. Pattens were worn outdoors over a normal shoe, had a wooden or later wood and metal sole, and were held in place by leather or cloth bands. Pattens functioned to elevate the foot above the mud and dirt (including human effluent and animal dung) of the street, in a period when road and urban paving was minimal. Women continued to wear pattens in muddy conditions until the 19th or even early 20th century.
You're not tall enough to reach the tub. - In pattens I am. (荒涼館)
My very best remembrances to my good friend Mr. Jarndyce. (荒涼館)
I rack my brains to understand my good friend Jarndyce. (荒涼館)
This is a public right of way. (荒涼館)
Somewhat to my surprise, something stirs in the case. (荒涼館)
You're different from other children, Esther. You are set apart. (荒涼館)
High standing in the community. (荒涼館)
You're to lodge with Mrs. Jellyby tonight. A good soul, and a great philanthropist. (荒涼館)
The cat was sold to me for her skin. I didn't have it in me heart to skin her. (荒涼館)
He sold his soul to the devil. (荒涼館)
He is a very singular man indeed. (荒涼館)
I have made great strides with them already. (荒涼館)
The SHARP System is an online resource that allows you to report any problems that you or a friend may have either in or out of school. You can report incidents anonymously without any fear whatsoever.
I have been brought up in a sharp school. I've ferreted out evidence. (荒涼館)
There's money here and sundries. (荒涼館)
A seamy sex scandal.
Seamier side of our profession. (荒涼館)
You need say no more. (荒涼館)
He seems eager and spirited. (荒涼館)
No, please don't get up, Mr. Tulkinghorn. Do go on with your supper. - I am obliged, your ladyship. But I've had sufficient. 十分食べました。(荒涼館)
He's served a writ on that scoundrel Boythorn. (荒涼館)
My estate has been sequestered, my farm is left to rot. (荒涼館)
Get a warrant sworn out for his arrest. (荒涼館)
You mustn't be swayed by hopes of something that may never happen. (荒涼館)
My cat could tear a person to tatters if I set her on. (荒涼館)
I really am set upon the law. (荒涼館)
I'm sure your thoughts have often turned to Africa. アフリカのことを考えてらっしゃると思います。(荒涼館)
My cat could tear a person to tatters if I set her on. (荒涼館)
Forgive me but I'm rather pressed for time. (荒涼館)
If I might throw myself upon your mercy. お情けをいただくことはできますでしょうか。今夜泊まることは可能でしょうか。(荒涼館)
Mr. Skimpole's been took, Miss. - Took? 危険な状態(荒涼館)
Mrs. Pardiggle has threatened to call. 来ることになっている(荒涼館)
Very good of you to take me on. 雇っていただいてありがとうございます。(荒涼館)
You know me. I never vary. (荒涼館)
Careful how you spend the money now. - What's it to you? (荒涼館)
A long Chancery suit is very much in the way of things. 長い大法院訴訟は非常に邪魔だ(荒涼館)
A word in earnest is as good as a speech. : This is a quote by Charles Dickens. It means that a person can convey their feelings to others with just one kind word rather than a long speech. (荒涼館)
I was born out of wedlock. (荒涼館)
Is your lodger within? 下宿人は中にいますか- Male or female? (荒涼館)
What's he got that I haven't got? (荒涼館)
I hope you don't think the worse of Richard for changing his mind. (荒涼館)