
Mum's not here on account of Mum having fucked off six months ago. (ダークハート)


My abiding emotion was one of envy. (ダークハート)


He would've had my balls if I hadn't done it. (ダークハート)


You doing tomorrow's bash? (ダークハート)


His old man was an alcoholic, used to batter his son when he'd had a few. (ダークハート)


"Bottoms" is a plural term that refers to the lower part of a two-piece clothing item, such as a bathing suit or pajamas.

I've found my bikini bottoms but not my top. 

Have you seen my pyjama bottoms anywhere?

I woke up and my bottoms were off. (raped) (ダークハート)


CPS didn't think they'd get a conviction, so they bailed. (ダークハート)


I'm just talking bollocks. (ダークハート)


The CPS decided the evidence wasn't enough. (ダークハート)


The CPS said there was insufficient evidence. (ダークハート)


The truth is revenge diminishes us. (ダークハート)


Someone on the estate. (ダークハート)


You like sitting in the dark? Maybe you were an Emo in a former life. (ダークハート)


Her father wanted to expiate his guilt for not protecting his daughter. (ダークハート)


You decide you have the right to exact your own punishment on the killer. (ダークハート)


Fun and games in here. (ダークハート)


full code : "Go full code" is a medical term that means a patient's health care team will do everything possible to save their life if their heart or lungs stop working. This includes performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), defibrillation, and other treatments to sustain life.

The CPS decided the evidence wasn't enough to go full code and he was released. (ダークハート)


You pulled a face. (ダークハート)


I just wouldn't have the strength. Right now I'm just trying to put one foot in front of the other.


He's a real gem - you'd be a fool to break up with him. 

The coffee house is a hidden gem (= something that not a lot of people know about). 

The building was an architectural gem.

I wondered Well, I thought you might like some company on the 15th anniversary. - Wow. You are the first person who has worked that little gem out. (ダークハート)


What goes around comes around. (ダークハート)


He's pretty gaga now. (ダークハート)


It's not a competition about who grieves them more. (ダークハート)


She saw the door open, stuck her head in, heard weird noises. (ダークハート)


induced coma誘導昏睡(medically induced coma, MIC)とは、麻酔薬を投与することで一時的に昏睡状態にする治療法です。脳の活動や代謝を低下させ、脳の腫れを減らしたり、脳を保護したりする効果があります。 誘導昏睡は、脳の腫れやけいれんの活動を抑える他の方法が失敗した場合に、最後の手段として行われる治療です

He's in an induced coma. (ダークハート)


My learned colleague is aware of that. (ダークハート)


Max Payne : He is a fictional character who is the titular protagonist of the neo-noir video game series of the same name.

My dad ain't exactly Max Payne, is he? If you're thinking the killer would've been him. (ダークハート)


Dad works nights. (ダークハート)


That's a big guy you overpowered. (ダークハート)


A chippie off the high street called A Plaice In The Sun with an 'I', as in fish. (ダークハート)


Where were you Thursday night? I was working. Here. With punters. (I'm a whore.) (ダークハート)


He's just popped in. (ダークハート)


Were you ever in any playground fights at school? (ダークハート)


Do we have a name? Guy Dawlish. QC. (ダークハート)


They hadn't gone off the rails. (ダークハート)


I'd never repair anything from a prison cell, would I?  刑務所には行ったら(娘との)関係修復できないじゃない。(ダークハート)


That's rotten, isn't it? ひどいよな(ダークハート)


I run the shop and you ask me before you do something like that. (ダークハート)


Anyone who does subscribe to that moronic, sixth-form idea can piss off. (ダークハート)


sing from the same song sheet : This is a British English phrase that means people are saying the same things about a subject to appear to agree or be united.

Everyone must be singing from the same song sheet in future.

Marvellous. We're all singing from the same song sheet. (ダークハート)


He looks just like Dad when he smiles. - Yeah, he's the spit. (ダークハート)


I used to go to her house for sleepovers and stuff. (ダークハート)


schmuck : a slang term for a person who is stupid, foolish, or unlikeable. Synonyms of "schmuck" include "schmo", "shmo", "dork", and "jerk"

She is a dctor. Schmocter. (ダークハート)


It's gonna scar us for the rest of our lives. (ダークハート)


threshold test : In law, a threshold test is a process used by prosecutors when a case is serious enough to charge a suspect immediately, but the full evidence file is not yet available.

He met the threshold test and was remanded in custody for three weeks. (ダークハート)


Stop being a twat and piss off. (ダークハート)


He talked pretty much straightaway. すぐ自白した。(ダークハート)


How much do you weigh, Nico? Ten-two. - Ten-three. (=10 stones and 3 pounds) (ダークハート)


Monday, 15th August, 10:28 am. It's the moment It's the moment in my life where I've lived without my parents longer than with. (ダークハート)