全6話三つの殺人事件を扱っています。主人公のウィルと姉のジョスィーは両親を若いときに殺されるという過去があります。ウィルは表面的にはナイスガイに見えますが、ところどころどす黒い。この主人公何かがおかしい。ジョスィーが精神を病んで強制措置入院させられるのですが、両親について”血も凍るような事実をお前は知らない”と弟のウィルにいいながら笑うシーンで終わります。シーズン2に期待度マックスなんですが、ウィキによると今回のダークハートはシーズン1で打ち切り! だと! 海外ドラマあるあるですが、またでました。この打ち切り詐欺!!
I have been a bit arsey. (ダークハート)
Did church CCTV not show anything? The priest says it's bust. (ダークハート)
Did you manage to reach my sister? - Sorry. No, her phone is definitely off or broken, but I'll keep trying and as soon as I get a sniff, I'll buzz you. (ダークハート)
It's an iPhone eight. Anything after the six is a bitch to get into. ハッキングするのが大変だ(ダークハート)
emotional bandwidth : This refers to the amount of emotional energy or capacity a person has to deal with situations that require it. It's similar to mental capacity.
low on emotional bandwidth - If it feels a little rough or you find yourself short with people or frustrated often, it's a signal that you're at the limit of your emotional bandwidth.
I don't have the emotional bandwidth for hunches right now. (ダークハート)
Jim calls Suzy on a burner. (ダークハート)
The CCTV at the church is bust. (ダークハート)
I met her once at a family bash. (ダークハート)
Berwick Street Market : This is an outdoor street market in the Soho area of the City of Westminster in London.
It's you, isn't it, who pimps women out, sells them like a Berwick Street Market trader. (ダークハート)
Did that temper of yours get the better of you? (ダークハート)
We just got chatting. (ダークハート)
I've also seized his laptop and camcorder. (ダークハート)
There's things that I could tell you that would curdle your blood. (ダークハート)
I was just letting the dust settle for a few days. (ダークハート)
That was a dick move. (ダークハート)
We're waiting for the diocese. (ダークハート)
I'm a successful businessman. I do due diligence. (ダークハート)
Do you ever think about ditching the fantasy bit and engaging with the real-life bit, like taking a real-life girl out for a real-life coffee, getting to know what she likes? (ダークハート)
She's having some sort of psychotic episode. (ダークハート)
She and her mum had been estranged a few years. (ダークハート)
There was a slight sort of faded bruising on Suzy's cheek area. (ダークハート)
He gives her a slap. He's certainly got form on that front. (ダークハート)
He gives her a slap. He's certainly got form on that front(ダークハート)
Let's call him in first thing. (ダークハート)
I'll come and see you first thing in the morning. (ダークハート)
You were fishing with me the other night. 探りを入れてた(ダークハート)
His mum was meant to grab him after school for a dentist's appointment. (ダークハート)
We were meant to get 200 quid each, but when we finished, she said we'd have to wait. - How did that go down? (ダークハート)
I just wanted to give you a heads up. (ダークハート)
Get your head down, guv. 休んでください(ダークハート)
We're splitting hairs, aren't we? (ダークハート)
Driving licence IDs him as Pat Elland. (ダークハート)
Can you just give me a bell when you get this? OK, lots of love. (ダークハート)
You think the priest did it with the lead piping? (ダークハート)
They're fair loaded. 金持ち(ダークハート)
Why did the footage cut out, then? - I dunno. One of us must have kicked the lead off or something. リード コード(ダークハート)
She's not met his repayment schedule so he gives her a slap to remind her. (ダークハート)
She rang me. We met up. (ダークハート)
NFA = no fixed abode(イギリスで「定住地がない」)
My feeling on our mystery man, he's probably an NFA. (ダークハート)
Uniform just nicked a 15-year-old lad loitering outside her flat. (ダークハート)
That obviously touched a nerve. (ダークハート)
open-source : denoting software for which the original source code is made freely available and may be redistributed and modified.
I just did a quick open-source intel check. At 6 o'clock yesterday, he posted on his Facebook he was gonna end his life. (ダークハート)
We've also passed out obs to all patrols. パトロールに連絡済みです。(ダークハート)
pound shop 《a ~》〈英〉1ポンド・ショップ◇1ポンド以下の商品を売る店
The guy runs a pound shop across the road. (ダークハート)
There’re no violent or domestic incidents reported on PNC. (ダークハート)
I can't even process this right now. I just need some sleep. (ダークハート)
She had periods of depression. (ダークハート)
You realised you'd been played? (ダークハート)
It's you who pimps women out. (ダークハート)
Has she rung or anything? (ダークハート)
Do you still rep Jim Duggan as a lawyer? (ダークハート)
Have you run his mobile number against the one that called her? (ダークハート)
You rep a guy like that? (ダークハート)
We started rowing because she just wouldn't listen to me. (ダークハート)
He's given us a steer on his mate. (ダークハート)
She stank of booze. (ダークハート)
Did you manage to reach my sister? - Sorry. No, her phone is definitely off or broken, but I'll keep trying and as soon as I get a sniff, I'll buzz you. (ダークハート)
There's just something about that setup that seems a bit weird to me. (ダークハート)
She was skint. Because she never paid us. (ダークハート)
Do you know who the call was from? - I heard snippets. (ダークハート)
She's having some sort of psychotic episode. - So how does that happen? - Usually it's a combination of factors, some key stressors. (ダークハート)
Are you asking for my permission to section her? 隔離する(ダークハート)
He just refused to come out, boss. Short of knocking the gates down! (ダークハート)
Snapchat's a little bit hard to get into. ハッキング(ダークハート)
In the spirit of full disclosure. (ダークハート)
She could get better split than what Kerry was offering her. 山分け(ダークハート)
You shot a piece of footage. (ダークハート)
You don't well truncheon Duggan. (ダークハート)
Your sister's phone was switched on about three minutes ago. It's triangulating. (ダークハート)
She sent you a message. It was timestamped at 2:13. (ダークハート)
A watertight alibi. (ダークハート)
Can you wrap this? 終わらす(ダークハート)
We need him here like yesterday. (ダークハート)
Single stab wound here penetrating three inches, which punctured the abdominal aorta. (ダークハート)
Who ended the relationship? - She did. - Amicably, or? (ダークハート)
It's a business, isn't it? They still need a secretary and admin and accounts. (ダークハート)
The ring looks bespoke. (ダークハート)
We're still waiting on BT to identify the call, right? (ダークハート)
She got pretty angry when her mum died. I took the brunt of it. (ダークハート)
I'm sensing a "but" coming. (ダークハート)
He dropped his beanie. (ダークハート)
She was bright. As bright as a button. (ダークハート)
Is there any sign that the sex was non-consensual? (ダークハート)
How did you meet her? – At work, just clicked. (ダークハート)
Why did you click, do you think? - Maybe we fulfilled some kind of need in each other. (ダークハート)
See you Friday, yeah? - Oh, maybe. - Maybe? Oh, great, I get a "maybe". Thanks. You don't commit too hard. (ダークハート)
Her place has communal gardens at the back which are gated. (ダークハート)
She ended up giving chase. (ダークハート)
The footage cut out. 映像が切れた(ダークハート)
You can't divulge anything specific, Doctor. (ダークハート)
It stops dead. (ダークハート)
We found a small amount of ejaculate in her vagina. (ダークハート)
The man with the emotional age of a fucking toddler! (ダークハート)
Would you be able to come into the station and do an e-fit? モンタージュ写真(ダークハート)
First up, can you tell us what sort of business it is you run here? (ダークハート)
gonzo pornography : This is a style of pornographic film that attempts to place the viewer directly into the scene.
She was making a gonzo flick. - A Sorry, is that G-O-N-Z-O? What is that? Meant to make the viewer feel like they're kind of in the room. (ダークハート)
How do. (ダークハート)
The ring looks bespoke. It's not something you'd find on the high street. (ダークハート)
They would never hurt a hair on her head. 彼らは彼女を傷つけたりは決してしない。(ダークハート)
Any joy on Suzy's ex? - Yeah, I've left a message for him. If I don't hear back today, I've got a work address, so we'll call round. (ダークハート)
She was raised Catholic, but pretty lapsed, I'd say. (ダークハート)
I think men have killed for a lot less. (ダークハート)
There are legions of dim-witted blokes. (ダークハート)
That was a pretty good likeness. とても似ている(ダークハート)
live stream
Noun a live transmission of an event over the internet.
A live stream of Saturday's concert will run from 6:30 p.m.
Verb transmit or receive live video and audio coverage of (an event) over the internet.
You can live-stream the performance from your computer. (ダークハート)
So the film was actually live streamed. A £4,99 a pop. (ダークハート)
natal cleft : お尻の間に走る深い溝を指し、臀裂とも呼ばれます。gluteal cleft(グルテアルクレフト)、cluneal cleft(クルーネアルクレフト)、butt crack(バットクラック)とも呼ばれます。
A bit of soap between her natal cleft. (ダークハート)
So the ring was paste. (ダークハート)
We're trying to piece it together, but there is strong evidence to suggest she was murdered. (ダークハート)
There were rubber drag marks on the parquet flooring which correspond with marks that were found on her shoes. (ダークハート)
Our key person of interest now is the man who called her. (ダークハート)
live stream
Noun a live transmission of an event over the internet.
A live stream of Saturday's concert will run from 6:30 p.m.
Verb transmit or receive live video and audio coverage of (an event) over the internet.
You can live-stream the performance from your computer.
So the film was actually live streamed. A £4,99 a pop. (ダークハート)
You're not even taking it remotely seriously. (ダークハート)
A row. Raised voices. (ダークハート)
All evidence reinforce the idea that there was care here. Like consideration. (ダークハート)
So the victim was gang raped? How does that square with the body with the washing and the new clothes. 死体の状況と矛盾していないか?(ダークハート)
The beer bottle swabs gave us a match for the DNA. (ダークハート)
You wouldn't know love if it spat on you. (嫌味) (ダークハート)
The guy had a syringe in his hand and track marks all over his body. (ダークハート)
Who'd have thought! (反語) (ダークハート)
Who knows what people get turned on. (ダークハート)
She looked a bit tearful. (ダークハート)
He doesn't look like he's had a wash or a decent meal in a week. (ダークハート)
Was it found in the alveoli or bloodstream? (ダークハート)
You have the bearing of a dancer. (ダークハート)
pay band : A pay band is sometimes used to define the range (band) of compensation given for certain roles.
There's a series of courses you can take if you want to increase your wage band. (ダークハート)
Stealing stuff, and bunking off school That's not you. (ダークハート)
Your son winding up your husband how? - I don't know. He just pushes his buttons. (ダークハート)
His burner is a match for the unidentified number dialed out of her phone the last few weeks. (ダークハート)
He spent the best part of half a million quid. (ダークハート)
She was late 30s, red hair, posh bird. (ダークハート)
It doesn't quite chime with the fact that an hour before her death she was working perfectly normally. (ダークハート)
That kind of came out wrong. 言い方が悪かった(ダークハート)
The uniform lad clocked the colour of the victim’s face, that there were no injuries, did a bit of due diligence. 確認した。(ダークハート)
Maybe we can get closer to the top of the chain. (ダークハート)
We compile what I imagine will be an extensive chargesheet. (ダークハート)
They have the victim’s body to be doctored post-mortem. (ダークハート)
Dismissive shrugs are for your mum, not for me. We're meant to be mates. (ダークハート)
The uniform lad clocked the colour of the victim’s face, that there were no injuries, did a bit of due diligence. (ダークハート)
Dalston, London: A neighborhood in Hackney, London, known for its creative industries, nightlife, and cultural organizations.
They live in Dalston, not exactly slumming it. (ダークハート)
We'll do that ECG in 30 minutes. (ダークハート)
You engineered the plan so that he would find himself in the sort of trouble no one could ever bail him out of. (ダークハート)
She was away with the fairies. (ダークハート)
How much do nurses earn? Factoring in overtime, London rents, and paying off student loans, probably 27 pence an hour. (ダークハート)
You son has got a brand-new father, just foisted on him. - Foisted? What do you mean, foisted? He wasn't foisted on my son. (ダークハート)
Start with the area around Sofie's flat, then just fan out from there. (ダークハート)
She saw me as something of a father figure. (ダークハート)
I've lost him under the flyover. (ダークハート)
How did he fend off the mafia? (ダークハート)
form : An informal term for a criminal record.
Has he got form? - Petty crime when he was a kid. (ダークハート)
I went over this a thousand times. (ダークハート)
jointly held : means something is owned or shared by two or more people or organizations. My brother and I own the farm jointly.
Her husband was using the only credit card that isn't jointly held with his wife. (ダークハート)
Harrow School : This is a boarding school for boys in Harrow on the Hill, Greater London, England that was founded in 1572 by Queen Elizabeth I.
They have a kid that went to Harrow. (ダークハート)
Holland Park : In London, an area developed from the grounds of Holland House.
They live in Dalston, not exactly slumming it. - Yeah, but it's not Holland Park, either, is it? (ダークハート)
This medical operation wasn't done by some backstreet hack. (ダークハート)
How's he? - Not good. In an induced coma. (ダークハート)
Tell me you've found Adam Miller. - Sorry, no joy as yet, boss. (ダークハート)
I was at a mate's. I kipped there for the night. (ダークハート)
I thought Mum was gonna kick off even worse. 荒れる(ダークハート)
The nurse was just brilliant with the patients. Even the lairy ones, she always managed to calm them down with a joke. (ダークハート)
He's a lippy teenager. (ダークハート)
I'm gonna level with you. (ダークハート)
We're meant to be mates. - Meant to be. そのはずだよね(ダークハート)
Be grateful for small mercies : be relieved that an unpleasant situation is alleviated by minor advantages.
I suppose we should be grateful for small mercies that it will come out of the existing budget.
I was a nightmare at his age. - Yeah, you were. At least your son hasn't stolen your car and driven it into Mrs. Dench's front garden. - Small mercies, eh. (ダークハート)
You will not take one single atom, of one molecule of the blame for this. (ダークハート)
We have two victims murdered by this poison in as many days. (ダークハート)
He was spending increasingly mental sums. (ダークハート)
You're just going to moan at me. (ダークハート)
A uniform lad was there to nick a drink driver or something. 逮捕する(ダークハート)
How does an ostensibly skint young woman acquire two, three grand in cash? (ダークハート)
Let's get Adam Miller's picture into all surveillance systems. Get it out to response cops and PCSOs. (ダークハート)
She wanted to know what other courses she could take at school to push her pay grade up. (ダークハート)
He got the impression that she wanted to report something but she was too scared. He tried to press her on it, and she shut down. (ダークハート)
We are pausing recording due to subject illness. (ダークハート)
It’s like a recreational drug she had a bad reaction to. (ダークハート)
You get a police escort now you're a roadman. (ダークハート)
RTA : In the UK, RTA is an abbreviation for "road traffic accident". It's a term used by police, medical professionals, and insurance companies.
It was originally logged as an RTA. (ダークハート)
rack up : to accumulate (points)
He was spending increasingly mental sums. - Define mental. - Well, in the last dozen or so visits, it's racked right up. (ダークハート)
Well, they're not purchases cos they're all round numbers. (ダークハート)
I'm guessing some sort of seizure or respiratory paralysis, so death by asphyxiation. It's the colour, the eyes. The spittle. (ダークハート)
Spool forward, can you? ビデオを早送りしてくれる?(ダークハート)
How does an ostensibly skint young woman acquire two, three grand in cash? (ダークハート)
So, how does an ostensibly skint young woman acquire two, three grand in cash? - Well, my stock answer would be stripping or escorting. (ダークハート)
Just make safeguarding her daughter a priority. (ダークハート)
I also just heard from forensics on a bathroom swab taken during their search. (ダークハート)
Presence of unusual chemicals found within sputum and vomit. (ダークハート)
There was a search and appeal, the full works, but he hasn't been heard from since, and was presumed dead. (ダークハート)
So sad. Everyone here has been knocked for six by her tragic death. (ダークハート)
She wanted a sounding board. Someone to talk to. (ダークハート)
He enjoyed a swanky car, posh restaurants with his wife. (ダークハート)
The swabs also reveal a DNA that isn't his. (ダークハート)
The memo has got lots of mental squiggles all over it. (mental=crazy) (ダークハート)
He lost his shirt gambling. (ダークハート)
It’s a shitty place that he sometimes squatted in. (ダークハート)
Dalston : A neighborhood in Hackney, London, known for its creative industries, nightlife, and cultural organizations
They live in Dalston in London, not exactly slumming it. (ダークハート)
The medical operation was done illegally, which sits rather oddly with the perfect procedure itself. (ダークハート)
You've been siphoning money out of his bank account? (ダークハート)
I have a couple of other little tickles for you. (odd points) Some of the days don't match with Sofie's alibi. (ダークハート)
I work my tits off in here 9-to-5. (ダークハート)
We put you on the top table at the restaurant! (ダークハート)
It'll take a whole lot longer if we stand arguing the toss all day. (ダークハート)
How do you get entry to the VIP area? - The clue is in the title. 肩書が必要なの(ダークハート)
I work my tits off in here 9-to-5. (ダークハート)
There was a search and appeal, the full works, but he hasn't been heard from since, and was presumed dead. (ダークハート)
I will see you on Sunday then. And whip your arse at the game. (ダークハート)
I don't buy him being the actual assailant. (ダークハート)
I need to speak to the brief from the CPS who handled the Statham case. (ダークハート)
BT : This is an abbreviation for British Telecom, a British-based international telecommunications and phone company that provides broadband and TV services.
As for the answering service number, did you get any joy from BT? (ダークハート)
We were both old bill. 警官(ダークハート)
Why do you think the CPS didn't prosecute Statham for the sexual assault? - Well, the evidence wasn't brilliant. Why waste time trying to convict a 30-70 case when you can convict half a dozen 80-20 cases for the same money? 同じ金で80対20のケースを何件も有罪にできるのに、なぜ30対70のケースを有罪にしようと時間を浪費するのか?(ダークハート)
The victims’ parents collectively decided on a far worse punishment for their children's abuser. (ダークハート)
The victim’s family withdrew their cooperation and caused the case to collapse. (ダークハート)
club together : (UK) If a group of people club together, they share the cost of something between them.
The students clubbed together to buy a present for their teacher. club together
If we club together, we'll be able to get her the complete dinner set.
Oi. Present. We all clubbed together. (ダークハート)
Sorry about the mess. I was never one for the old domesticity. My wife used to do all that. (ダークハート)
You don’t have to dredge it all up again. (ダークハート)
Fun and games, eh? (ダークハート)
happy bunny 〈俗〉卑劣な[見下げ果てた]やつ
He's not a happy bunny. (ダークハート)
As for the answering service number, did you get any joy from BT? (BT : This is an abbreviation for British Telecom, a British-based international telecommunications and phone company that provides broadband and TV services) (ダークハート)
I only wanted a place to kip. (ダークハート)
let-off / get-out (plural let-offs) An escape from punishment.
The accused received a suspended sentence, which many saw as a let-off.
The victim’s families wanted to keep the suspects out of prison. They thought prison was a let-off. (ダークハート)
The assailant wait over two years before attacking them in as many days? (ダークハート)
make mincemeat of someone : (idiom informal) to defeat someone very easily in an argument, competition, or fight. (ダークハート)
A decent lawyer would have made mincemeat of them in court. (ダークハート)
The defence would have made mincemeat of the victim. (ダークハート)
We've spoken maybe twice in as many years. (ダークハート)
man fluマンフルは、男性が風邪を引いた際に症状を大げさに感じたり過剰にアピールするといったステレオタイプに基づいた俗語
It's just man flu. (ダークハート)
You and your missus. (ダークハート)
We need to run this through Intel and PNC. (ダークハート)
What time are you pushing off tomorrow? (ダークハート)
We'll probably push off then. 去る(ダークハート)
There's a post-it on his desk. (ダークハート)
We'll have to run down both their alibis. (ダークハート)
We need to run this through Intel. (ダークハート)
He had this idea for a rougher type of justice. (ダークハート)
He can be a right little sod. (ダークハート)
Coffee? Tea? Little sharpener? 酒(ダークハート)
He is doing an eight-stretch, isn't he? (ダークハート)
We'll give you a shout when we're done. (ダークハート)
That's a good spot. よく見つけたな(ダークハート)
He just tried to top himself. (ダークハート)
There's no point arguing the toss. (ダークハート)
Those who commit such brutal assaults were unhinged. (ダークハート)
Video ID : This can refer to a process for verifying a person's identity on a video.
If we asked you to take part in a video ID, you'd be able to recognise any of the people that were here? (ダークハート)
Mum's not here on account of Mum having fucked off six months ago. (ダークハート)
My abiding emotion was one of envy. (ダークハート)
He would've had my balls if I hadn't done it. (ダークハート)
You doing tomorrow's bash? (ダークハート)
His old man was an alcoholic, used to batter his son when he'd had a few. (ダークハート)
"Bottoms" is a plural term that refers to the lower part of a two-piece clothing item, such as a bathing suit or pajamas.
I've found my bikini bottoms but not my top.
Have you seen my pyjama bottoms anywhere?
I woke up and my bottoms were off. (raped) (ダークハート)
CPS didn't think they'd get a conviction, so they bailed. (ダークハート)
I'm just talking bollocks. (ダークハート)
The CPS decided the evidence wasn't enough. (ダークハート)
The CPS said there was insufficient evidence. (ダークハート)
The truth is revenge diminishes us. (ダークハート)
Someone on the estate. (ダークハート)
You like sitting in the dark? Maybe you were an Emo in a former life. (ダークハート)
Her father wanted to expiate his guilt for not protecting his daughter. (ダークハート)
You decide you have the right to exact your own punishment on the killer. (ダークハート)
Fun and games in here. (ダークハート)
full code : "Go full code" is a medical term that means a patient's health care team will do everything possible to save their life if their heart or lungs stop working. This includes performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), defibrillation, and other treatments to sustain life.
The CPS decided the evidence wasn't enough to go full code and he was released. (ダークハート)
You pulled a face. (ダークハート)
I just wouldn't have the strength. Right now I'm just trying to put one foot in front of the other.
He's a real gem - you'd be a fool to break up with him.
The coffee house is a hidden gem (= something that not a lot of people know about).
The building was an architectural gem.
I wondered Well, I thought you might like some company on the 15th anniversary. - Wow. You are the first person who has worked that little gem out. (ダークハート)
What goes around comes around. (ダークハート)
He's pretty gaga now. (ダークハート)
It's not a competition about who grieves them more. (ダークハート)
She saw the door open, stuck her head in, heard weird noises. (ダークハート)
induced coma誘導昏睡(medically induced coma, MIC)とは、麻酔薬を投与することで一時的に昏睡状態にする治療法です。脳の活動や代謝を低下させ、脳の腫れを減らしたり、脳を保護したりする効果があります。 誘導昏睡は、脳の腫れやけいれんの活動を抑える他の方法が失敗した場合に、最後の手段として行われる治療です
He's in an induced coma. (ダークハート)
My learned colleague is aware of that. (ダークハート)
Max Payne : He is a fictional character who is the titular protagonist of the neo-noir video game series of the same name.
My dad ain't exactly Max Payne, is he? If you're thinking the killer would've been him. (ダークハート)
Dad works nights. (ダークハート)
That's a big guy you overpowered. (ダークハート)
A chippie off the high street called A Plaice In The Sun with an 'I', as in fish. (ダークハート)
Where were you Thursday night? I was working. Here. With punters. (I'm a whore.) (ダークハート)
He's just popped in. (ダークハート)
Were you ever in any playground fights at school? (ダークハート)
Do we have a name? Guy Dawlish. QC. (ダークハート)
They hadn't gone off the rails. (ダークハート)
I'd never repair anything from a prison cell, would I? 刑務所には行ったら(娘との)関係修復できないじゃない。(ダークハート)
That's rotten, isn't it? ひどいよな(ダークハート)
I run the shop and you ask me before you do something like that. (ダークハート)
Anyone who does subscribe to that moronic, sixth-form idea can piss off. (ダークハート)
sing from the same song sheet : This is a British English phrase that means people are saying the same things about a subject to appear to agree or be united.
Everyone must be singing from the same song sheet in future.
Marvellous. We're all singing from the same song sheet. (ダークハート)
He looks just like Dad when he smiles. - Yeah, he's the spit. (ダークハート)
I used to go to her house for sleepovers and stuff. (ダークハート)
schmuck : a slang term for a person who is stupid, foolish, or unlikeable. Synonyms of "schmuck" include "schmo", "shmo", "dork", and "jerk"
She is a dctor. Schmocter. (ダークハート)
It's gonna scar us for the rest of our lives. (ダークハート)
threshold test : In law, a threshold test is a process used by prosecutors when a case is serious enough to charge a suspect immediately, but the full evidence file is not yet available.
He met the threshold test and was remanded in custody for three weeks. (ダークハート)
Stop being a twat and piss off. (ダークハート)
He talked pretty much straightaway. すぐ自白した。(ダークハート)
How much do you weigh, Nico? Ten-two. - Ten-three. (=10 stones and 3 pounds) (ダークハート)
Monday, 15th August, 10:28 am. It's the moment It's the moment in my life where I've lived without my parents longer than with. (ダークハート)