


Adam's ale〈古〉水

Adam's ale is the best brew. 〈古〉水が最良の飲み物。酒は飲まない方が良いという意味で用いられる。

Let me get you a nice refreshing glass of Adam's Ale. - Piss off and leave me alone, you fat pig. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Just your sister is acting up again. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


The astral plane / the astral realm / the astral world : This is a plane of existence postulated by classical, medieval, oriental, esoteric, and New Age philosophies and mystery religions.

There are indeed any astrals here today. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


If anything, it was his fault. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Jeremy James Anthony Gibson-Beadle MBE (12 April 1948 – 30 January 2008) was an English television and radio presenter, writer and producer. From the 1980s to the late 1990s he was a regular face on British television, and in two years appeared in 50 weeks of the year. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


You know, the little man with the beard, plays tricks on people. – Beadle? (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


it's fresh from the "batchers".(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Come on, then, everyone bunch in! ならびましょ(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


They try and bundle them all together. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Are you treading the boards at the moment, Anne? (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


My mate put me up to it. Ain't that bothered, truth be told. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


We have to bleep all of this. ピー音にしなきゃ放送できないわ(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Derren Victor Brownダレン・ブラウン (1971227- ) は、イギリスのメンタリスト、「 メンタル・マジックを専門とするマジシャン。 別名、「心を操る悪魔」 「心の魔術師」 などとも呼ばれる。 多くのメンタリストは「マインド・リーディング」「予言」などがレパートリーだが、彼はその他に「心理学」や「催眠」などを取り入れたパフォーマンスを得意としており、いくつかのTVシリーズで独自の路線を見せている。

Tou're like Derren Brown. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


You were furious when he put clingfilm over the downstairs toilet. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


You ready for your close-up? 写真をアップで撮る(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Oh, Snow White, Cinderella. - The Chinese one, what was she called now, not Chinkerbell. -Auntie Carol! You can't say that. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


The curious are often drawn here. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


He comes over much nicer on the telly. テレビの前ではいい人だ。(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


call sheetコール・シート、進行予定表◆映画やテレビの撮影で、出演する俳優やスタッフ、および撮影場所などを記載した予定表のこと

He's just Blue Demon Dwarf on the call sheet. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


He's come to. Can you hear me? (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


It'll probably end up as a clip on YouTube. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Audience never clocked. 気付く(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Can you go and see if he's in the deckhouse, please, Katie? - Do you mean "the shed"?(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Dick Whittington and His Cat :  This is the English folklore surrounding the real-life Richard Whittington (c. 1354–1423), wealthy merchant and later Lord Mayor of London. The legend describes his rise from poverty-stricken childhood with the fortune he made through the sale of his cat to a rat-infested country. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I'll de-rig myself then, shall I? 衣装をはずす(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I must have dried. セリフを忘れた。(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


The FX team needs to look at your ectoplasm pipe. (FX : Special effects) (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Iron filings ファイリングす(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Did you forgo the pleasures? (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


fan-assisted 【形】〔オーブンなどが〕ファン付きの

I want you to put your sausage rolls in my oven - fan assisted. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


FX : Special effects (often abbreviated as F/X or simply FX)

The FX team needs to look at your ectoplasm pipe. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Flights of angels sing thee to thy rest. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


She's always got some project on the go. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I'm not a gerbil! (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Just go and wait in the green room. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I nip out for five minutes, all hell breaks loose. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Hedda Gabler『ヘッダ・ガーブレル』(,ノルウェー語発音: [²hɛdːɑ ˈɡɑːblər]) はノルウェーの劇作家ヘンリク・イプセンによる戯曲である。1891131日、ミュンヘンのレジデンツ劇場で劇作家も出席して世界初演が行われた。リアリズム演劇の古典であり、19世紀演劇の代表作、世界文学の傑作として評価されている。タイトルロールであるヘッダはしばしば「女ハムレット」と呼ばれ、演劇史上における最も偉大な役柄のひとつとみなされている。日本語では『ヘッダ・ガブラー』と表記されることもある。

I've got a performance of Hedda Gabler tonight. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


We humbly ask you to give us a help. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


He's bleeding. - Ah, eww, not on the wig I hope. It's a hire. 借り物(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Nobody bite my head off. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


All hands to the pump. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


You nearly had me for a minute. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I've got to hand it to you fella. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I was in and out of a coma. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Henrik Johan Ibsenヘンリック(ヘンリク)・イプセン(ノルウェー語: [ˈhɛ̀nrɪk ˈɪ̀psn̩]1828320- 1906523日)は、ノルウェーの劇作家、詩人、舞台監督。近代演劇の創始者であり、「近代演劇の父」と称される。シェイクスピア以後、世界でもっとも盛んに上演されている劇作家とも言われる。

I just can't do three hours of Ibsen on an empty stomach. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I think the joke's on me. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


You'd better not have cut a hole in that table! - No, the middle leaf slides out. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Apply the spray liberally on your hair for 24-hour protection. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


You wanted free Lemsips. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


He needs a taste of his own medicine. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


"Marigold" : This is a brand name for rubber gloves, typically yellow or orange, that are used for washing dishes and other cleaning tasks. The term "marigold" is also used as British English slang for rubber gloves.

I've got one marigold inside out! (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


You can get them quite cheap now, can't you? - It's all Marks's, actually. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


the missionary position 《口語》 (性交体位の)正常位

What the hell is this terrible music? - It's Ennio Morricone, Carol. The Mission. - Ooh, my favourite position. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Have you ever made contact before through mediumship? (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Please may you stand. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


So, am I actually going to be on telly? - Yeah, you'll be part of a montage. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I'll just nip and get the charger from the car. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Angela's just nipped out to get some more candles. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Nana? (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


nursing unit 看護設備【略】NU

I told you there should have been a unit nurse. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I need to spend a penny first. おしっこ(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


pedestal mat : Designed to be placed around the base of the toilet, pedestal mats stop your feet from getting cold. Generally made of a soft and fluffy material, these accessories offer added comfort for those using the toilet.

Did your pedestal mat come out all right, Angela? トイレマット(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


She looked a bit tired. You know, a little bit puffy-eyed and pale. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Don't pay her any mind. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Thank you for being prompt. Madam Talbot doesn't enjoy latecomers. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Can I get a water please, I'm parched. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


physical theatre フィジカルシアターとは、せりふと共にダンス、マイム、曲芸など身体的な要素、また、小道具や美術、映像なども積極的に採り入れて、解釈の間口を広げた舞台のこと

He sort of came from more of a physical theatre background. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


warm prop (plural warm props) :  (informal, derogatory) An extra (type of actor).

Could you tell the warm prop to go back in its box, please? (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


We can pin it all on him. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Righty-ho. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


She just started ranting and raving. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


You daft sod. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Take your shoes off! You shuffled all that muck. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I'm on a seafood diet. If I see food, I eat it! (a dad joke) (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Rad this card that he got for me, it's a scream! 爆笑(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I'll be back in two shakes. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


You've shot up, haven't you? 大きくなったね(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


school run : The time when parents drive their children to or from school.

Next week it's my turn to do the school run.

You're doing the school run. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


slap off : A contest between two people who bear some sort of grudge and attempt to resolve it through the force or impact of a slap to the face. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


slap off : Go off on, raise hell at. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)

go slap off on (slang) To go off on, to raise hell at.

My parents would go slap off on me if I didn't do my homework. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Might I be permitted to take my slap off and go? (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I did spy a sushi restaurant on the corner. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


You've knocked over all the tassels. I've only just tidied up in here. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Can you just please straighten those tassels? (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I did make a trifle, but it's got quite a bit of sherry in it. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I'll just nip to the loo, top myself up. 漏れそうだ(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


The sex video involves a blonde lady taking two from the top and one in the bottom. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


There's temporary traffic lights. 仮説信号(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


The heavy breathing trancy stuff. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I just felt the scene all got a bit trampled over. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Tom Thumb親指トムはイギリスの童話と、その主人公の小人の名前である。

I want to say Tom for some reason, but am I thinking of Tom Thumb? (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Wallpaper adhesive / wallpaper paste :  This is a specific adhesive, based on modified starch, methylcellulose, or clay which is used to fix wallpaper to walls.


He put wallpaper paste in the birdbath? (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Let there be investigation and arraignment of this old woman. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Yesternight and for many nights afore. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


You creep abroad and meet with a fiend. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


We continue afresh in the morning. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


We have heard tell of visitors from all three shires, and a travelling fair has alighted. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


It is my duty to administer the last rites to your mother before she burns. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Your ear soon becomes attuned. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


The iron founder was himself bedevilled. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


lay bare あらわにする、むき出しにする 〔秘密を〕暴露する

Lay bare her back. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Who is this night-time fiend that you so visit? An incubus? Beelzebub? (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Two birds, one stone, and all that. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Let's get you sat in shall we? As you can see, it's compact and bijou with a south-facing terrace and en-suite facilities. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


bento : A bento is a Japanese-style single-portion take-out or home-packed meal, often for lunch, typically including rice and packaged in a box with a lid.

I've got a hot date with a Fray Bentos steak and ale pie. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


The imp was nothing but a carrion crow. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Let us at least hear the testimony of the poor old crone. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I take it you are known to Elizabeth Gadge, In what capacity? - We did have dealings in livestock.



I unearthed a coven of witches. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


An animal with three teats and a cunny? (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Laughter contorts the face and makes monkeys of men. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Call forth the accused. 呼んで来い(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Throw out his curdle. (= ejaculate) (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


If we consign her body to the flames, do we not do the devil's work ourselves? (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Keep council with this. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


All is clear. You may show yourself. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Probably been bitching about me already, has she? Let her. I don't care. I don't want any part of that clique. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I've got stomach cramps. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Your private use of the company phone is completely against the rules. You clog up the lines with personal calls. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I've bought a bottle of Cava. Have a little drink on me. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Much talk of her devilry they do recount. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


We will be the judges of what is or is not devilry. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Rid England of these damnable practices. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Elizabeth Gadge confesses having had discourse with the demon. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


You may have a dead hour or so when nobody rings. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


There are those here who think you are an enchantress. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


An exceedingly dull place. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I'm but a frail old woman who is in bed by evensong. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


They will burn me else. さもないと(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Let's get you sat in shall we? As you can see, it's compact and bijou with a south-facing terrace and en-suite facilities. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


The iron founder was sent to trial. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


It will be paid forthwith. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Now, bring forth the witch! 連れてこい(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


The witch's stitch. Is this one of your fabled witch-finding devices? (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


This not for the faint-hearted. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


traveling fair / traveling carnival / funfair / traveling show :  This is an amusement show that moves from place to place. It typically includes rides, food vendors, games, and other attractions.

We have heard tell of visitors from all three shires, and a travelling fair has alighted. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I propose one final test that will seal her fate. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


We must give the hag a fair hearing. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


You shut your hole. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Have you spent night after night with this vile hag? (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


The old woman's life hangs in the balance if you do not confess it. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


We have heard tell of visitors. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Ready to go at the drop of a hat. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


There's such a hole without him. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


He was sobbing his heart out poor sod. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


The imp was nothing but a carrion crow. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Would you like me to do a likeness of all of you together? 私が似顔絵を描きましょうか - If it is no imposition? (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Could this imp in fact be a small mouse? (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Such an imputation is somewhat lacking in evidence. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Who is this night-time fiend that you so visit? An incubus? Beelzebub? (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


He was sobbing his heart out, poor sod. Inconsolable. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I wondered if you could do me a favour, take Michael through his induction? (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


You just get yourself sat down here and I'll do your induction in a minute. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I know not of what you speak. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Would you like me to do a likeness of all of you together? 似顔絵を描く(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Be careful lest the creature may bite. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


She was one of our longest-standing volunteers. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


My three cats were from the same litter. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Sound a bit like bras. - You've got one for your moobs. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


A torture device called the pear. It can be inserted into any orifice and expanded to the point of agony. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


1471 :  In the UK, 1471 is a phone number that tells you the last number that called you, and allows you to return the call

Are we allowed to do 1471? (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Your reputations precede you, gentlemen. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


How far Satan prevails amongst you in respect of witchcraft. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


He has his own bill for presentment. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Plain as day. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Thank heaven we had no rain and the pyre has remained dry for tonight. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Pendle witches : The trials of the Pendle witches in 1612 are among the most famous witch trials in English history, and some of the best recorded of the 17th century. The twelve accused lived in the area surrounding Pendle Hill in Lancashire, and were charged with the murders of ten people by the use of witchcraft.

This witch trial could be bigger than Pendle! (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Lick and caress the devil's arse with your long probing tongue? (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


They're plucking up the courage. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Do you want to plunge straight in? = dive in  すぐに取り組む(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


You know, this is a pressure cooker environment. We've all snapped at certain points, so don't dwell on it. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


We can't ignore the powers that be. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Much talk of her devilry they do recount. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


They have wanted rid of me. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


He liked not her teeth and said they were like a box of nails should he put in his rod. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Perhaps some food might revive you? (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


You are ridding us of a great evil. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I always say the same thing to all the new recruits. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Are you for real? お前、マジで?(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Elizabeth Gadge is a sorceress. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


What spurs you to send for us so urgent? (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


In my three score and ten. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I surmise this cow did die. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Only the devil would turn such sport. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I do not stir out after dark. 出かける(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


You must away from this village lest our stratagem be discovered. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Let's get you sat in, shall we? (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Just keep your guard up and your shutters down. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


A mouse or a shrew. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


He was a squaddie, he'd been in Iraq. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


If you need to use the loo, I'd go now cos you don't want to get caught short. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


There's lots of people out there that need us tonight so just sensible, please, don't drink too much. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


You just get yourself sat down here. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


His tongue was made loose. - By what persuasion? (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


The devil did throttle him that he would not reveal his accomplices. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I have a list of fees and expenses thus far. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


You gave the mouse a title? - Yes, he was as white as the snow, so I named him Snowflake. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Tread cautiously, lest you find yourself accused. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Would you care for a toffee apple? りんごあめ(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Tell our master these happy tidings. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


The stress tipped her over the edge. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Patronise means to talk down to someone. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Terminate that call, please. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Jayne Torvill (OBE1957107)ジェーン・トービルは、イギリス出身の女性フィギュアスケートアイスダンス選手。1984年サラエボオリンピックアイスダンス金メダリスト。

She's got so much ice up her fanny, I call her Jane Torville. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Take Thatテイク・ザットは、イギリスのポップグループ。1990年にマンチェスターで結成された。ボーカルグループの先駆者として認知されており、後のバックストリート・ボーイズ、スパイス・ガールズ、5ive、ボーイゾーン、ウエストライフ、ワン・ダイレクションなどのポップ・グループ、そしてボーイ・バンドの礎と流行を作った。1990年から1996年の間に2500万枚を売り上げ、1991年に初めてシングルをリリースしてから解散する1996年までの間にイギリスのテレビ局、BBCでは「UK音楽史上、ビートルズ以来、最も成功したバンドで老若男女問わずに愛されている」とたびたび報じられた(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


You undermine the solemn purpose of this undertaking. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


We've had our ups and downs in this office. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


He will take heed of it and writ, as evidence, your cursed testimony. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


A small mouse, which she did keep hidden in a wicker bottle. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I will to my chambers. ~に行く(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Yesternight and for many nights afore. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Your zealotry's turned to bigotry and worse. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


anybody's yes-manbe ~》太鼓持ちをする

If someone lends me their toilet paper, I'm anybody's. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


The main symptom of angina is chest pain or discomfort.

My Auntie Gladys had acute angina. Her tits weren't bad either. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Augustus Gloop : He is a character in Roald Dahl's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory who is greedy, obese, and rude.

I felt like Augustus Gloop. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


He lost like 3 stones. He was really pleased. He was a bit of a blob. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


bags I... : (idiom UK informal) Used when you claim the right to have something or do something:

Bags I sit in the front seat!

It's like we're the kids in Stand By Me. Bags I'm River Phoenix. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


We all just bunk up with a rotting corpse. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


blind man's buff / blind man's bluff : This is a variant of tag in which the player who is "It" (i.e, the person who is tagging others) is blindfolded. The traditional name of the game is "blind man's buff", where the word buff is used in its older sense of a small push.

Every birthday since she was six, We've played blind man's buff. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I did the Brussels sprouts. - Yes, and we'll be hearing from them later. (a joke) ブリュッセル君が成長したら、便りがあるだろう。(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Don't want the clothes all creased up for the wedding. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


That's "crab sticks".(9から始まる奇妙な物語)



I'm in the couchette. It's like a room. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


How cavernous. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Is he all right? - Yes, just a little bit compacted, that's all. Too much beer and bratwurst. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Clarksクラークスは、イギリスの靴のブランド. Cf. NEXT

I have my career to think about. - Career? Measuring feet in Clarks is hardly a career. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Have you done India? インドに行ったことは?(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


The day-do's not until 12. We'll easily make it in time. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Doctor Dolittleドリトル先生シリーズは、20世紀前半にアメリカ合衆国で活動したイギリス出身の小説家、ヒュー・ロフティングによる児童文学作品のシリーズ。ロフティングは第一次世界大戦においてイギリス陸軍・アイリッシュガーズ連隊の志願兵として従軍した際に、動けなくなった軍用馬の射殺処分に遭遇して心を痛め、この体験から動物の言葉を解する獣医師の物語のインスピレーションを得たとされる。ロフティングは従軍先から2人の子供に宛てた手紙で、動物語を話すイギリスの田舎町に住む「ドリトル先生」の短い物語を挿絵付きで書くようになり、これが1920年に刊行された第1作『ドリトル先生アフリカゆき』の原型となった。

Try saying that to all the little fawns who've just lost their mother. - I'm sorry, I don't speak deer. I'm not Dr Doolittle. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


DHL : It stands for Dalsey Hillblom Lynn. It is a German logistic company providing international shipping and courier services. Its name is derived from the initials of the last name of its founders. Adrian Dalsey, Larry Hillblom and Robert Lynn.

They didn't have them in my size. – I got the company DHL'ed. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


If you're that fussed. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


The little fawns. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


You look fab. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


He's not me new fella. 新しい恋人(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


This is like my whole life is flashing. 人生を走馬灯のように見ているようだわ。(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


A right giggle is an expression that means something is amusing or funny, especially when it involves laughing at someone else.

It's a right giggle. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Just for a giggle, we hid his trousers while he was in the water. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


He was staring at me with these horrible glazed eyes. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


We don't actually know whether he had a wicked sense of humour. - I'm going by the picture. 写真の見た目だけで言っているの。(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


The Grudge =THE JUON/呪怨』(じゅおん、The Grudge)は、2004年の超自然的ホラー映画。

Is The Grudge going to be in? あの中国人は中にいるの?(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


She was from China, wasn’t she? What was her name, Fung? Oh, my God, The Grudge. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


There's a spare bunk going. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I might as well get my head down for a couple of hours. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Where's your toilet? I'm going to go and unravel my hosepipe. 小便する(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


pop one’s head in 立ち寄る

I popped my head into the room.

We popped our heads in, didn't we? (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


My father did a bit of walking, but it was incidental in getting the groceries from a supermarket that was 400 m away. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I'm getting everything jumbled up. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Don't let's be late for our first day. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


She has known Phil for 14 years now, which is funny because I don't remember her breaking two mirrors. 腐れ縁(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Shall I be Mother? (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Burnt right through your mittens. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


NEXT : This is a British multinational clothing, footwear and home products retailer, which has its headquarters in Enderby, England.  Cf. Clarks

Hey, I got the shoes from Next! (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Why are Christmas trees so bad at sewing? They always drop their needles. (a joke) (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


He's just getting his outfit on for the Nativity. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


potholing (UK) (US spelunking) A sport that involves walking and climbing in underground caves. Caving. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I can be quite adventurous. Pot-holing in Derbyshire was properly intense. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


He radiated relentless positivity. I never saw him angry. He just excused people for “having a bad day”. People liked him. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Late night romps. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


It's a sleeper train. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Go on, shift yourself. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Not that I'm implying you're a slag. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I like it up the shitter. = You like a dick up in your arse.

I meant up the shitter. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I don't have a ticket. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I'm sort of a stowaway. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


An Australian slapper. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Imagine if you were slung in a corner and ignored. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Hope you don't mind a bit of spooning. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Don't have it on sprinkle. おしっこをまきちらさないでよ(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


She's got a memory like a sieve. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


You're smashing. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


We popped our heads in, didn't we? Just to schmooze a few clients. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


He's burnt his hand on a sparkler. 花火(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


The wedding cake was in tiers. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Tony the Tigerトニー・ザ・タイガーは、多国籍食品メーカーのケロッグが主力商品のコーンフロスティ(英:Frosted Flakes)に起用しているマスコットキャラクター。

You look like Tony the Tiger. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Dad, are you all right? - Yeah, yeah, I'm tickety-boo. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


How can I undercut him without looking like a twat? (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


She's just started under me. 私の部下として始めた。(9から始まる奇妙な物語)



You have slept through and been none the wiser. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


close near the bone / close to the bone

1. 骨に近いところまで

2. 〔話などが〕露骨な

I just popped down to say break a leg. - Huh! That's a bit near the bone now that an understudy like me has to be on the stage for the lead character who was hospitalized. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


He fell down. That's what happens if you get drunk on the battlements. Could have been worse,

but he fell on a gargoyle. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


He now is foul. He lifted up his brow against his Maker. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Every cloud has a silver lining. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Get my callipers. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


She cupped my breast. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Are the pictures all religious? - Most depict the harrowing of hell. All of which is non-canonical to the Bible. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


You are someone I can be confident in. Championed. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)



The man was certified so I closed the door. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Chessington = Chessington World of Adventures Resort : This is a 128 acres (52 hectares) theme park, zoo and hotel complex in Chessington, Greater London, England, around 12 miles (19 km) southwest of Central London.

This house is like Chessington for old people. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


cocking : This is just a euphemism for the more common swear word ‘fucking’.

Cocking cello. No-one plays the cello. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


The house was like Chessington. At least we don't have to queue. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


He's just droning on. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


He has lovely diction, doesn't he? I could have listened to him for hours. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Do you know the lines? I think so. - Are you sure? You dried it in the understudy run last week. 忘れてた(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I've got my old dressing room. It's all been done up. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


They've done this room up nice. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


come easily toにとってたやすいことだ

It comes so easily to you, doesn't it? (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


The two eggs in a frying pan : They serve as a potent symbol of power dynamics and the fragility of life.

You always said that we're like two fried eggs. - That's not funny. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


What the fudge are you doing? (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


You don't want to tempt fate. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I always knew you'd go far as an actor. Just needed a little push. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


The house is maintained at three-below freezing at all times. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Mobile telephones in this street are useless. It's a dead zone. - Yes, my signal went. - I think it's due to foliage. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


The machine was faulty. = broken(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Fritzl case : The Fritzl case emerged in 2008, when a woman named Elisabeth Fritzl (born 6 April 1966) informed investigators in the city of Amstetten, Lower Austria, that she had been held captive for 24 years by her father, Josef Fritzl (born 9 April 1935). Fritzl had assaulted, sexually abused and raped his daughter countless times during her imprisonment inside a concealed area in the cellar of the family home.

You're worse than the Fritzls. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


goolies pl (normally plural, singular gooly)

1. (UK, Ireland, Commonwealth, vulgar slang, usually in the plural) The testicles, balls, nuts.

Apparently the performer caught him in the goolies with a nunchuk.

2. (Australia, slang) plural of gooly: pebbles, small rocks. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


He fell down. That's what happens if you get drunk on the battlements. Could have been worse,

but he fell on a gargoyle. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


galvanised steel : This is steel that has been coated with zinc to make it more resistant to corrosion)

We now have zinc roofs because he tired of galvanised steel. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Mobile telephones in this street are useless. It's a dead zone. - Yes, my signal went. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I just need to get my head together. 集中する(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Are the pictures all religious? - Most depict the harrowing of hell. All of which is non-canonical to the Bible. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


This withered husk. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Joe Allen : This is an American restaurant known as a Broadway meeting place for working actors, theater staff and fans – very much an industry institution.

I'd love to, but I'm already going out with the cast. Taking me to Jo Allen's. I could hardly say no, could I? (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


The machine is on its last legs. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Merry Wives of Windsor : The Merry Wives of Windsor or Sir John Falstaff and the Merry Wives of Windsor is a comedy by William Shakespeare first published in 1602. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


You have a meet and greet with the lovely disabled people. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I have never understood the notion of prints for the art. Puts me in mind of wax fruit. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


The car's here. We better get moving. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Munsters :  The Munsters is an American sitcom about the home life of a family of benign monsters that aired from 1964 to 1966 on CBS.

God, who lives here? The Munsters? (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Your sacrifice keeps misrule from the whole world. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Your phone will have been in a state of outage. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


What do you do? - Oh, hospital porter. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Pop your jeans and top off now. 脱いで。(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Do you know how much Tony gets paid? - I don't know, he never opens his payslips. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


There's a pin in this costume, Shit! - Oh, sorry, I'll get you a plaster. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


We've actually got an understudy run on Friday. 上宴会(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


We're about to do a run-through in front of the director. 通し稽古(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Your understudy run starts in T-minus 15 minutes. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


If you make the rounds or do the rounds, you visit a series of different places.

I could do a sandwich round and get paid more. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I've heard nothing but raves. (=rave review) (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I was a recurring character in Game of Thrones. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


After rounding the corner. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


If the need arises, it is from this telephone that you can call us. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Your performance on the stage helps the play all sink in. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


You are sitting in the dressing room doing Sudokus. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


That is a sackable offence. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Are those shop-bought lattes? (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


A sneery, wine-guzzling lesbian. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Ah, saucy. Are you coming in the shower with me? (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I spiked Tony's drink that day. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I find solace in art. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


We have an event tonight. Surfaces so rarely. めったにないんだけれども。(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


This house is amazing. I could so live here. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Who gives a toss about him? (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I bet you've got a nice little pair of titties under that dress. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I could cure you, you know. - Bloody turns. 余計なお世話よ??(9から始まる奇妙な物語)



Do you know Poe? From the Teletubbies?  It's a children's programme. There's four of them. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


You want to be an understudy all your life? (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I've got a voice-over. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I'm four years on the wagon. I haven't touched a drop and feel much better for it. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


They said that I was too weak-willed. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


We now have zinc roofs because he tired of galvanised steel.( galvanized steel : This is steel that has been coated with zinc to make it more resistant to corrosion) (9から始まる奇妙な物語)



I've actually got an assembly tomorrow so I can't stay up too long. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


A couple of bottles of red wouldn't go amiss. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Promise me you'll phone if you want to chat and that. OK. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Disaster averted. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


He blew into a balloon, giving him an aneurysm? (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


It's bitter out there tonight. 寒い(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Henry Charles Bukowskiヘンリー・チャールズ・ブコウスキー(1920816- 199439日)はアメリカの作家、詩人。(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


You put them all in a bin bag and threw them out last night. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I haven't seen you in weeks. Bearing up? (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Not being a nosy parker, (am), but how are you getting on for money? 詮索するわけじゃないけど、でも実はそうだけど(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I'll be fine once my benefits start coming through. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


You're running me a bath? (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I'll be alright once my benefits start coming through. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I've got to put my hair in a bun. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


His autographs would be worth a few bob now. I should think. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I spoke to a man at Christie's and got a ballpark figure for the item. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


He'll spend the rest of his life bed-bound. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Why don't you do the washing up? 皿を洗うPutting the dishes in some warm water and leaving them does not constitute doing the washing up. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Canderel : This is a brand of artificial sweetener made mainly from aspartame.

No-one's going to mind about a few stolen Canderels. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I've got a little boy with cerebral palsy. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I spoke to a man at Christie's and got a ballpark figure for the item. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


win the day(戦い・議論・選挙などに)勝つ、勝利を収める。

His great idea won the day. 彼の素晴らしいアイデアが勝利を収めた

I want to get ready for school tomorrow. - It's Saturday tomorrow. - You win the days! (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I have to go to the dole office to get the signing on forms. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


draining board〈英〉〔台所用の〕すのこ、水切り台◆【同】〈米〉drainboard

Put them on the draining board to dry. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


designer stubbleわざと短く伸ばしたひげで、無精ひげとも呼ばれるファッションです。男性らしく荒々しい、または故意に手入れを怠ったような印象を与えるのが特徴(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Which one of these is the frumpiest? I'm meant to be choosing my outfit for this audition. She's meant to be a frumpy spinster. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


All right, calm down. He's only flesh and blood. His turds are brown, aren't they? 彼はセレブかもしれないが、同じ人間だろ。落ち着きな。(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I thought I was neutral. Not any more, you're not. You went from Switzerland to Nazi Germany in one fell goose step. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


The press are going to have a field day with this. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


There but for the grace of God go I. : A recognition that others' misfortune could be one's own, if it weren't for the blessing of the Divine, or for fortune or fate.

You can’t call him like that. There but for the grace of God. 明日は我が身よ - What? Saying I could be a tramp? (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


giro : a check given by the British government to someone who is unemployed. A system of electronic credit transfer used in Europe and Japan, involving banks, post offices, and public utilities. Giro is sometimes confused with a similar sounding word, gyro.

Bank deposits transferred by means of giro.

Any chance of a pound till the giro comes?

Waiting for my Giro to come through. I'm running out of money. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Where's my money? You said my Giro would come. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


A Life of Grime : A play on the expression A Life of Crime. This is a BBC reality series following the work of environmental health inspectors. Launched during an explosion of reality television, the idea found something of a cult following. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I could tell he was gonna go. へたる(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


It's just a guesstimate. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


half-caste 混血児 《《主に英国で用いられる》 では特にヨーロッパ人とインド人とのあいの子を指す;

Calling him a tramp is insulting. It's like gypsy or half-caste. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


You saved me a lot of hassle. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


It’s in the drawer. - Which? - The one with the hoover bags. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Now I've heard it all. : In British English, when you hear about a surprising incident, you might say "I've heard it all now!". This is a saying used when somebody tells you something really shocking that may sound like somebody made it up.

The Queen just ran down the street in a clown suit! - Well now I've heard it all!

A child is planning to get a divorce from his parents. - Really? I've heard it all now!

Who's Billy Joel? - Are you serious?! - Who's Billy Joel? - I've heard it all now. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


You've all lost your heads. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


That's one birthday we won't forget in a hurry, isn't it? (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


You shouldn’t use the word, tramp. He is indigent. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


They'll be here in 20 minutes with the coroner and ambulance crew. They'll be incognito, so they don't raise any alarm. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


You weren't to know. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


land girl (historical) (in the UK) A woman doing farm work, especially during the Second World War.

It's a play about land girls. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


A Life of Grime : A play on the expression A Life of Crime. This is a BBC reality series following the work of environmental health inspectors. Launched during an explosion of reality television, the idea found something of a cult following. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


You see a little boy's face light up. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I'm feeling all light-headed. I'm seeing stars. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


a D-lister :A-lister」は「最高のリストに載せられている人」。この場合、「A」は「最高、最もいい」という意味で、「A-list」は最も人気のある人たちを指す比喩ですね。。それで、「D-lister」は「Dのリストに名前が載せられている人」という意味で、人気のない人を意味。人気のない芸能人(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I've never heard of Migg. Mystic Migg. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Make-A-Wish UK :  A charity that grants wishes to children and young people in the UK who are fighting life-threatening illnesses.

At Wishmaker UK we get to see the value people attach to celebrities and it's quite staggering, I tell you. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


The melody a bit rocky, given he is just dead. - Yeah, suppose we want something more sombre, don't we? But not maudlin. He was never maudlin. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


She knocked herself out blowing up a balloon, never mind killing him. 彼を殺すなんて彼女にはできない。風船を膨らますだけで気を失うくらいだから。(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I did have a little nip.  少し飲んだ(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Not being a nosy parker, (am), but how are you getting on for money? 詮索するわけじゃないけど、でも実はそうだけど (am)bracket am(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


A few of us have had a whip around. Now not everyone took part. Naming no names. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


She nicked them off a train. 盗んだ(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Are you sure we shouldn't call 999? (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Your bill for £126.15 is still outstanding. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Shit, what's going on? Overdone a fuse? (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


He might be an artist. - He is a tramp. He's got a polystyrene cup in front of him. Piss artist more like. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


He might be an artist. - He is a tramp. He's got a polystyrene cup in front of him. Piss artist more like. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I'm a bit peckish. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


They did you proud. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


pub theatres : They are not built for the purpose of staging plays, and the facilities can vary. They can have basic lighting and technical equipment, and actors may not have great spaces to change and prepare. Pub theatre is considered a unique and British form of theater. It's a way for theater to flourish outside of the mainstream, and is similar to the off-off-Broadway scene in New York.

I'm doing pub theatre. I'm doing Lucy Land Girl. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Just get me the pumper! (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


This place would be crawling with pigs if we do that. - You mean police. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Postman Pat『ポストマン・パット』は、イギリスの作家ジョン・カンリフ(英語版)原案のストップモーション・アニメーション製作による幼児向けテレビ番組。

Her dream was to be a postman. That's all. Not give a letter to the Queen, or meet Postman Pat. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Look, do you want a quick drink? Just one for the road. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


recorded delivery《主に英国で用いられる》 書留配達便 (《主に米国で用いられる》 certified mail).

Grandma normally sends me one recorded delivery. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Give us what's rightfully ours. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


That's the trouble with being famous, isn't it? Your life's not your own any more. - For real. そうだね(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


He took a bit of a shine to me. I spent a few weeks with him. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I'd phone in sick if I were you. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


designer stubbleわざと短く伸ばしたひげで、無精ひげとも呼ばれるファッションです。男性らしく荒々しい、または故意に手入れを怠ったような印象を与えるのが特徴(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


You're just in a slump. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I thought I'd just scooch around. ちょっと立ち寄ってみる。(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


suck off 【句動】〈卑俗〉〔相手の性器を〕吸う、口でいかせる(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


The melody a bit rocky, given he is just dead. - Yeah, suppose we want something more sombre, don't we? But not maudlin. He was never maudlin. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Let's sit down, have a spot of lunch. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Nigel shunted the project my way. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Have you seen that tramp down there? (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Why don't you do the washing up? 皿を洗う(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Putting the dishes in some warm water and leaving them does not constitute doing the washing up. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


A few of us have had a whip around. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Worzel Gummidge :  He is a scarecrow in British children's fiction. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Worzel Gummidge look was doing you no favours. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Do you want to watch it back? 録画を今見てみる?(9から始まる奇妙な物語)



Shall we assume the position? (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Do you have a girlfriend, Ian? - No. No. Young, free and single at the moment. I'm not being a monk. I've had some experiences, but no. Pretty barren at the moment. A pretty arid patch. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


This party's not about you. It's about me and Jeremy, so butt out. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


That's a bonny dress. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


BBM : 昔「Blackberry」という携帯電話が主流だった頃の 名残。Blackberry Messenger              「メールした」という意味です。

He BBMs me every now and again at weekends.

He BBMs me a lot, too. Always BBMing. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Do you have a girlfriend, Ian? - No. No. Young, free and single at the moment. I'm not being a monk. I've had some experiences, but no. Pretty barren at the moment. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Are you trying to bum me? ケツを掘る(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


You thought you were going to use me as a stepping stone, did you? Well, tough titty. That bridge was burned a long time ago. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Coming from you, Ian, that's quite something. Thank you. - You're welcome. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I just need to open the door a crack. I just need to get some air. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Little cheeky champers. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I've just got to pop down to the station. Pick up a chum who's running a bit late. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I've got something catching in my throat. 喉につかえている(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


carbolic soap : Sometimes referred to as red soap, is a mildly antiseptic soap containing carbolic acid

I can smell carbolic soap. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Will you stop being a cringe? (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


The toilet doesn't have a lock. It's an en suite. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


"Feed the Birds" : This is a song written by the Sherman Brothers (Richard M. Sherman & Robert B. Sherman) and featured in the 1964 motion picture Mary Poppins.

She's all dressed up. - Dressed up? She looks like Feed The Birds. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


grass on the wicket : A slang meaning that means that a young girl has pubic hair (hence grass) around her pussy (hence on the wicket). Therefore the girl is old enough for sex (hence lets play cricket.)

You know what they say. If there's grass on the wicket, let play commence. Oh, for fuck's sake. Give it a rest.

Mate, if there is grass on the wicket, its good enough for cricket. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Guilty as charged. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


You'll not forget that in a hurry, will you? (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I've known all three of them since they were so high. 小さいときから(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


They're partners. - In what line? I'm in IT. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


mini : a very small car, especially a subcompact.

I might have to take the Mini. Is that OK?' - All right. Drive safely, though. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


You must know all the nooks and crannies of the house, then. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Narnia :『ナルニア国物語』(原題: The Chronicles of Narnia)は、アイルランドの作家、CS・ルイスの全7巻からなる子供向け小説シリーズ。

Me and you will nip through to Narnia, have a snowball fight, get some Turkish Delight. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Has anyone got any poppers or lube? ヤクか潤滑油(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


If I were going to secrete myself in this room, where would I go? (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I brought champagne. Who wants a swig? (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I'd hardly call the colour a snake. More like a scaly lizard. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Figuratively, seed is often used to mean "provide money to start a business" or "help something grow."

Why don't you just do the lie about the babysitter being ill? - Because it needs to be seeded. You need to seed it. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


put a shift in (idiomatic) To work hard. to make an effort.

So, we have to put a shift in. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I need him to smooth over that merger. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


a splinter group政治や宗教などの組織から分離してできた派閥や分派

We'll form a splinter group away from the rest of the members. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


It is a little crowded in here. It's almost like we're a tin of sardines. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


It's a shambles. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


You thought you were going to use me as a stepping stone, did you? Well, tough titty. That bridge was burned a long time ago. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I'm a teeny bit worried. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Wouldn't mind a cheeky top up. 少し酒を注いできてくれなきかな(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


I've got to tweet a picture of this. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


tough titty / tough titties / tough break / tough luck / tough cookies / tough shit /tough tuchus / tough toodles / hard cheese : Too bad for you.

You thought you were going to use me as a stepping stone, did you? Well, tough titty. That bridge was burned a long time ago. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


That's something I shall never un-see. 一度見たら忘れられない。(9から始まる奇妙な物語)


They're a migraine waiting to happen. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


Lee, this is Ian. He works with Mark. - For Mark, actually. I own the company. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


He's got his wires crossed. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


That champagne's gone right through me. You know my motto. If it's yellow, let it mellow. If it's brown, flush it down. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)


What it is to be young. (9から始まる奇妙な物語)