以前視聴した女医フォスターのスピンオフ。といってもフォスターの近所に住むアナとその夫だけが登場します。自分の気持ちに素直に生きるということが今回のテーマ。癌で余命半年の夫との熟年離婚、妻のレズビアンとの浮気、結婚式場から逃げ出す新婦などなど、この手の恋愛ドラマの王道路線。一般的にパートナーといっても所詮他人なので、長く付き合うにはforgiveとforgetそしてお互いの妥協が秘訣であると言われて久しいですが、このドラマはその真逆。人生一度きりだから、理想を突き詰める気持ち、分かりますが、それで世の中周ります? 結婚式場に取り残された新郎なんて新婦の元カレの赤ちゃんをひきうけ、定職にもつきDVとは程遠いナイスガイなのに、結婚式場に取り残されてみじめすぎるよね。そして感動ポルノなバックアップミュージックで新婦の気持ちを盛り上げる演出。結婚式当日ではなくもっと早く自分の気持ちに素直になったほうが、新郎へのせめてもの情けだと思うのですが。自己中なキャラがわんさかで、このドラマに憤りを感じるのは人生守りにはいっているからなのか。20代のころ、本能の赴くままに生きていた時代をこのドラマで思い出します。なつかしくも、恥ずかしい。深く反省。
Oh, we're due at Rachel's. Shall we aim to leave in an hour? (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
I feel like someone's put an axe through my skull. 頭痛がひどい。(ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
I don't trust people easily. I wouldn't be alone in that. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
We've grown apart. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
One can't have blessings without suffering. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
I don't just bottle it up. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
You can't bear to see her like that. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
We've been talking about a bucket list. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
curly-wurly : (informal) twisting and curling.
Curly Wurly : This is a brand of chocolate bar manufactured by Cadbury and sold worldwide. It was launched in the UK in 1970.
I'll get some Curly Wurlys on the way home, I know you like them. - I'm not a child. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
comfort eating : 心配や不安、ストレス、退屈、ネガティブな感情などのために食べ物を食べることを意味します。飢餓感を満たすために食べるのではなく、感情を和らげるために食べるのが特徴で、通常は糖分や脂肪が多い大量の食べ物を食べます。 「むちゃ食い」とも呼ばれ、満足を得るために抑制せずに食べることを意味します。
I comfort eat for anxiety. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
Can we call it a night? (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
You've always seemed sort of cut off from relationships and playing and sex and adventures. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
There's clinical evidence for that! (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
Dad needs to come first, doesn't he now that he is dying? パパを優先すべきよね。(ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
Carpe diem. Try everything once. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
I've got the implant and I'm taking the pill for sex. - Not sure you're supposed to double up. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
How well she walks in heels. Like a duck to water. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
You're in demand. 電話がよくなるね(ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
Our family has always made jokes at each other's expense. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
It's called entropy. The natural process by which things inevitably fall apart. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
Your intention to enter into marriage may be strengthened by the Lord with a sacred seal. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
Have you come here to enter into marriage without coercion, freely and wholeheartedly? (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
Educated guess. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
Hey, fist bump. グーパンしようぜ。(ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
A rather facetious coffee table. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
Is that the kind of place they do functions or weddings? (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
It all sort of fell into place. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
if I were you, in this situation, I'd get completely off my face. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
You want to have another go at persuading them. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
I can't get through on her phone. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
She's gone to her gran's in Liverpool. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
God's gift : The ideal or best possible person or thing for someone or something (used chiefly ironically or in negative statements).
He thought he was God's gift to women.
She's brilliant? - God's gift. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
Your hair needs sorting out. Like the baby had a go with a pair of scissors. - I know. I'll grow it out. Don't worry. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
You were hard done by. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
It was the sort of humdrum stuff. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
She's got so many issues of her own. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
It's a lot for you to deal with. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
I know that there's been a lot going on. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
I completely fell out of love with you. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
You mustn't live a lie. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
Drop them a line, email, whatever. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
Wow, Mum! Makeover! お母さん。イメチェンしたわね。(ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
It's my job to be the childminder today. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
I'm a Pilates teacher, but that doesn't even begin to cover my outgoings. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
The sickening emotional outpouring. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
We had a one-night stand. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
I needed to start paying myself some respect. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
There'll come a point when she can't get all the candles on the cake. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
I am hoping to pull tonight. ナンパ(ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
The thing I hold at the wedding, the flowers. - The posy? (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
I'm petrified she's going to have an accident. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
Can you revoke a wedding invitation? (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
Swapping over at five, right? 5時に交代だよね。(ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
She always had a spark to her. 頭がいい(ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
I have very intense relationships, most of which just don't survive. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
The sickening emotional outpouring. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
I never thought I'd find someone as right for me as you. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
Shoulder to cry on when the latest man leaves you. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
I was shat on today. A bird literally shits on me. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
She thinks I laugh at her and talk over her. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
If this is going to be a thing, I don't want to get into it. シリアスな話なら、かかわりたくない。(ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
I don't need you to talk me down. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
You are unflappable to the end. Well, the world changes, but nothing changes you. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
There's some big questions there, very unanswered. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
Please be upstanding. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
I barely know you, which speaks volumes. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
We've whittled it down to a final three members. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
Look, occasionally, I'll fall off the wagon. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
Lead the way, beautiful man. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
She's changed. Yes, but not for the worse. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
I need a wingman. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
Oh, crossed wires. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
I'm not nervous. I'm not worked up. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
I am trying to work you out. 理解する(ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
My sister literally aged a decade the year after the baby arrived! (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
It looked like you were building up to say something important. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
You came here to show me the bride and the bump. 妊娠(ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
We can put the past behind us. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
"Don't get good sitting on the bench" means that you won't improve or achieve success by simply waiting passively, drawing a comparison to a sports team where players on the bench aren't playing and therefore not contributing to the game. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
So, how are things? - Not bad, all things considered. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
There's no potatoes, so pretty much no carbs. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
She took a dislike to me. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
Have you had your hen do? (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
Your offer is exceptionally demeaning. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
My head's exploding with stuff. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
Now we see the full extent. 全部状況がのめた。(ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
Maybe some of the embers of our awful marriage are still flickering.
You fuck every other woman you lay eyes on. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
Has she had enough of you at last? 愛想をつかれた(ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
Fancy a change? 変化を好む?(ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
Fair bit of drinking. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
I've got you down to have Lenny. レニーをあずける件でメモしてあるんだけど。(ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
You got off with him. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
Most hotels are about sleep, this one is all about sex. - Oh, you'll be right at home, then. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
Something to hang on to! (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
I'll just stick my head in the door to see if she is ok. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
Hint of trouble and off you fuck! お前、トラブルのにおいがすると逃げるやがるんだな。(ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
You liked the thrill of an illicit affair. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
Got to love a jumble sale ! (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
tie oneself (up) in knots : (idiom) To cause problems for oneself from being too careful, trying too hard, etc. To become very upset or worried.
The mayor tied himself in knots answering a touchy political question.
I don't know why they're tying themselves in knots over such a trivial problem.
I have to twist myself into knots. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
I'm not expecting you to air your laundry. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
I don't think I'm drunk enough to have sex with you. I just mean you seem to be a bit further down the line than me. 君はすでに酔っぱらっているようだが。(ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
There's a lot going on in my head. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
You are a single man about town? (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
Our baby is a month old. I thought we should mark it. 祝う。(ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
To what do I owe this pleasure? (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
prosecco : a dry Italian sparkling wine
Do you want a drink? Prosecco? (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
You two did like each other at some point. I mean, the proof of that's asleep in the other room. 証拠として赤ちゃんが生まれたよね。(ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
Reckon you were probably really good at it. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
A cold, stuck in bed. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
Lust! Sheer animal passion. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
This new job, it's a step up. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
You weren't struck off. クビではなかった。(ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
We should just sit down and talk it all through. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
You've a button undone on your shirt. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
I like my work. It's what gives me my vim. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
Best keep your voice down. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
Don't wriggle out of it. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
That sort of stress can wear you out. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
Are you going to be all right? - Seen worse. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
It's those without any voice that have been hit by the brunt of austerity! 節制の被害を被るのは無名の私たちよ。(ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
Why didn't you back me up? (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
I just put the bins out. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
His spirit is not dimmed after the diagnosis for the cancer? Thought that might be a silver lining. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
The burden doesn't need to all be down to you. - But most of it will be. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
It's about duplicity. Everybody is duplicitous. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
We got on fantastically. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
I tried to stop her, but you know what she's like when she gets an idea in her head. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
I should keep my feelings to myself. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
You laughed at me, lessened me. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
The London Stock Exchange / LSE : This is one of the oldest stock exchanges in the world, the largest in Europe, and the primary stock exchange of the United Kingdom. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
Mastermind : This is a British television quiz show for the BBC, currently presented by Clive Myrie. Its creator, Bill Wright, drew inspiration from his experiences of being interrogated by the Gestapo during World War II.
Do you want to stay for a cup of tea or whatever? - Oh, I don't drink tea. - Whatever, then. It's not Mastermind, Andy. You don't have to. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
I'm in mourning for my wife. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
I don't mean this to sound as critical as it undoubtedly will. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
I want to talk about Personal Independence Payment. PIP. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
It's what they say a good relationship is two pillars holding up a roof, and if they're too far apart, the roof falls down, but it's the same if they're too close together. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
I don't want a bunch at the party at my house. - Wouldn't be a bunch. 大勢(ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
You don’t have to pay for me. It's a point of principle for me. Pay my way. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
A large glass of Pinot, please. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
To put this entirely on me out of the blue is unfair. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
She got all pissy. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
The way you just phrased that question sounded more like an accusation. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
You used me to prop you up, serving you your whole life. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
He rushed past her and he knocked her and she fell to the ground. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
Henry said six months. Yes, it's not resectable. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
We'll be looking at a course of chemotherapy. - But it won't go into remission? (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
You could have raised this at any point in the last 50 years. 問題提起する(ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
I seemed like a shadow of the person I was at school. 今は落ちぶれたわ。(ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
Sob story leading to physical contact. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
I have two questions to ask you about all of this. - Oh, well, thank you for structuring this conversation in advance. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
What did you see in me that night? (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
Take it from me. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
Things are ticking over nicely here. 事が進む(ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
It’s a token, a perfect illustration of a moment when you were laughing at me. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
Already you've said things you can't undo. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
My parents love each other, but it's Vietnam half the time. Me and my sister are like, "Duck for cover! Napalm! Pfft!" (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
I have borderline personality disorder. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
I got a brand-new cummerbund. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
You strike me as somebody with a close-knit group of friends. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
She looked caught out. 浮気がばれたみたいに見えた。(ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
All this me dying in 6 months has dislodged some thoughts. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
You're looking delightful as always. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
He only deemed it newsworthy. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
You're having a fit on the dance floor. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
I got the ups and downs. You got the flat line. 同じ(ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
solid ground : It means safe, secure, justified, or in a good position; shaky ground means the opposite
When it comes to ideas like treating each other with respect and exercising self-control, she's on solid ground.
Best we're on solid ground. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
She's not going down. 赤ちゃんが寝ない(ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
Here's to us. わたしたちに乾杯! (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
She certainly didn't hold back. (ダンス) (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
Get off my fucking island! 台所(ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
I am! I can be rude to mostly to inanimate objects and parking wardens. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
The cancer is very advanced and it's inoperable. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
I'm in my jimjams. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
I thought you could probably do with a lie-in. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
He doesn't want to tell people, bring down the mood. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
I don't think my meal is going to cut the mustard. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
I knew sleeping with her was a one-off. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
You like pudding, don't you? デザート(ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
It was playing on his conscience. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
Pull it together. がんばって(ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
It's not like people are queuing up to go out for a drink with me. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
I don't want a repeat of last year. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
She will rise to the occasion, never let them down. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
I wanted to tell you something. - You all right? - Gone. Senior moment. 忘れてしまった。(ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
Sticks and stones may break my bones. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
Social butterfly. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
Strictly Come Dancing : (commonly referred to as Strictly) is a British dance contest show in which celebrities partner with professional dancers to compete in mainly ballroom and Latin dance.
Those dance moves were incredible. You should go on Strictly. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
That's it. Just put your arm underneath to hold the baby. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
The upshot is that I have been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
I've got a group of mates on WhatsApp. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
In a Bunsen burner. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
contactless / contactless card : A contactless card is a card that can be used to make payments without inserting or swiping it
She hasn't got a card with contactless. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
You should get contactless. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
How much do I owe you? - Well, a call-out is £70. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
In fairness, I've always handled the financial side in this family. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
I like you, David. A bit forward, but I want to kiss you. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
I just wasn't paying attention. I've got a lot on. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
I can't get through to her phone. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
Hold on to your hats! (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
Let your hair down! (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
Now I can only watch ITV2. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
I'm still a loon. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
My has a life of luxury. A lady who lunches. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
I went down the list. (of the place where I can stay). (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
Is this early onset? (of dementia) (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
Steady ourselves. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
They sectioned her. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
Hold her hand or summat. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
I'm sorry. What a thing! (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
Lend me some money to to tide me over! (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)