
My son is atypical! (クロエ)


Without further ado. (クロエ)


When the scandal is out, he'll be off his A-game. (クロエ)


I just got a bog-standard corporate marketing job. (クロエ)


That was just a no-brainer. (クロエ)


She kept trying to bond with me. (クロエ)


I was completely blindsided by my friend. (クロエ)


He met all the Westminster guys at Conference and they're all behind him. (= support) (クロエ)


Give you guys a breather. (クロエ)


Still haven't heard from him? - No. But it's fine. There's no bad blood or anything. (クロエ)


I have to listen to my husband snore every evening, so if anything, I'm biased against him! (a joke) (クロエ)


I'm not running in the upcoming election. It's time for some young blood. (クロエ)


Not getting any answers to your questions is a really hard thing. - Yeah. You start filling in the blanks yourself. (クロエ)


It's ticking all the boxes. 条件がそろっている(クロエ)


Shall I do your back? 背中をながそうか(クロエ)


We've been instructed to recover the overdue balance of £5,000. (クロエ)


Can I borrow you a second? (クロエ)


Bristol North by-election campaign launch. (クロエ)


I'm honoured to be the candidate for this by-election. (クロエ)


We should bounce. 出よう(クロエ)


We should have a proper catch-up. (クロエ)


That was a cry for help. (クロエ)


Do you ever exhibit for your art works? - I used to then the kids came along. 子供が生まれてできなくなった。(クロエ)


You really do need some coaching, don't you? (クロエ)


I can't in all good conscience put you forward for another placement. あなたには他の仕事も紹介できない(クロエ)


Sends chills down my spine reading it. (クロエ)


I thought you'd be cool with it. (クロエ)


You are so well connected. 顔が広い(クロエ)


The contraceptive injection. (クロエ)


You're just a fucking loser creep. (クロエ)


I've cleared some space in the cupboards for you. クローゼット(クロエ)


She was so calm and collected. (クロエ)


You didn't want to be called out on your bullshit. (クロエ)


She had a caravan. トレーラーハウス(クロエ)


That's me done for now. (クロエ)


You saved the day. (クロエ)


You've done downward dog in the yoga class. (クロエ)


I am done apologizing. (クロエ)


What is it you need done right now? (クロエ)


My mother is not going to the home. The place is due a lawsuit. (クロエ)


Dug myself into a bit of a hole. I know I need to get out of it. (クロエ)


Just let the dust settle. (クロエ)


I'm sorry to dump this on you. (クロエ)


We need a debrief of the awful night! (クロエ)


They were so deep in their grief. (クロエ)


I'd be down for a move. I fucking hate it here. 引っ越すつもりだ(クロエ)


She'd been on a downward spiral. (クロエ)


The contemporary art scene in Japan is just really thriving. People see it as a closed ecosystem but that is just not true any more. (クロエ)


Exhale through the mouth. (クロエ)


She couldn't get out of here quick enough. すぐに帰ったわ(クロエ)


She was her own worst enemy. 自分の敵は彼女自身だった。(クロエ)


You burnt the fish fingers. (クロエ)


It would be great to get a feel for the job. (クロエ)


I was literally in your house for your mum's fry up. (クロエ)


We get a flurry of applications for the gym around this time. (クロエ)


Want to sneak out the back and go play some foosball? (クロエ)


I promised that I'd help him make a French exit. (クロエ)


What if I took the lead on it? Just freed you up a bit. (クロエ)


Is this your fancy man? (クロエ)


Follow-through's never been your strong point. (クロエ)


You just love to flash around a photo of my daughter. (クロエ)


Can you jump forward a bit, please? テープを先送りできる?(クロエ)


Can you flip back? テープを巻き戻せる?(クロエ)


free up someone's time(人)の時間を解放する[の制限を解く・を自由にする]

I managed to free dinner up. (クロエ)


I was going to make a frittata. (クロエ)


I want to get some experience in a proper start-up where you can get involved from the ground up. (クロエ)


You look like you've seen a ghost. (クロエ)


He bragged about the size of his genitalia. (クロエ)


They ghosted me. (クロエ)


You thought you'd get away from us that easily, did you?  そう簡単には死なせないわよ(クロエ)


You two aren't going to gang up on me, are you? (クロエ)


I'm your grimy friend. (クロエ)


We got on very quickly. 仲良くなった(クロエ)


Where's your car now? - It's at a garage. 修理工場(クロエ)


Don't know who else will have you. あなたを相手にしてくれる人他にいる?(クロエ)


Head on through. お通りください(クロエ)


Anyone on the horizon? 好意を寄せている人はいないの?(クロエ)


Are you playing hard to get? じらしているの?(クロエ)


I was just held up at work. (クロエ)


You can't put your life on hold. (クロエ)


She can never hold anything down. 何事にも長続きしない。(クロエ)


The promise feels very hollow to me right now. (クロエ)


Hurry things up a bit. (クロエ)


We lay the headstone on your dead wife's grave. (クロエ)


He looks so happy, though. - Yeah. Like a pig in shit. (クロエ)


I'm OK. Head rush. (クロエ)


You don't mind if I hog your desk? (クロエ)


I just need to get my head together. (クロエ)



Your oil painting is stunning. The thick impasto. It's so expressive. (クロエ)


I can do the invites for Elliot's thing. (クロエ)


She's helping me with the invites. (クロエ)


the unstoppable force and the immovable object : They are a paradox that defy the laws of physics and logic. The paradox states that if an unstoppable force exists, then no object can be immovable, and vice versa. The paradox has been used to describe a number of events, including:

The Hulk Hogan vs André the Giant match as The irresistible force meeting the immovable object.

A commentator described a collision between Jock Samson and Jerk as "The irresistible force meets the immovable object".

Has the unstoppable force finally met the immovable object? (クロエ)


We were about to start IVF. (クロエ)


I'll be endorsing him and I hope you will all join me in doing so. (クロエ)


We need to keep talking or someone's going to jump in. 話し続けないとパーティーの他の誰かが割り込んでくるよ。(クロエ)


We can't discuss the details with anyone about her death other than next-of-kin. (クロエ)


I've looked everywhere for the house key. - Have you checked the key bowl? (クロエ)


I am looking to expand my company. (クロエ)


hold on [hang on, cling] like a limpet to A  Aにくっついて離れない;A(地位)などにしがみつく

This girl sort of latched on like a limpet on Chloe and wouldn't let go. (クロエ)


lose one's shit. 〈卑俗〉〔何らかの〕感情を突然爆発させる.

She just showed up and lost her shit? (クロエ)


Give me the lowdown. (クロエ)


I tried to call you loads of times. (クロエ)


The light had gone out of her eyes. (クロエ)


Oh, are you an artist? What medium? 分野は? - I paint mostly oils. (クロエ)


Isn't that masseuse amazing? (クロエ)


If you want to stay, the spare room's made up. (クロエ)


God, my whole day has felt like one long meeting. (クロエ)


All the more reason to make the most of any happiness you can find. (クロエ)


Those rich ladies have money to burn on shit art. (クロエ)


She was a magnet for that type of person. (クロエ)


Here he is the man of the moment. 重要な人(クロエ)


I'm not over the moon, no. (クロエ)


When I can't get through to you, my mind goes to the worst place, you know? (クロエ)


I think you need to stop this morbid conversation. (クロエ)


I'm going to nip to the loo. (クロエ)


I'm actually at a hair appointment in your neck of the woods. (クロエ)


Just talk to your work. Find out what your notice period is. 辞職通知はいつまでに出すのか確認しといて。(クロエ)


Come sit, nugget. (クロエ)


Bye, nugget. (クロエ)


This is a good picture op. (クロエ)


It's not going to happen. - Dinner's on you if you're wrong. (クロエ)


You outstayed your welcome a bit there, didn't you? (クロエ)


He's got oblique energy. (クロエ)


I hope you don't mind me saying your energy is a bit oblique. (クロエ)


We're just trying to piece together her final hours. (クロエ)


I was going to ask my friend to pop by later. (クロエ)


There is always high levels of stress, clients constantly chucking their toys out the pram. (比喩) (クロエ)


I've made pavlova. (クロエ)


Well, thanks for doing that. - No probs. (クロエ)


It's time for me to let the proverbial cat out of the bag. (クロエ)


You'll feel a small pinch. 注射でチクっとする(クロエ)


She was the full package, wasn't she? Beautiful, clever, kind. Holy trinity. (クロエ)


I could do with the project off my plate. (クロエ)


Let me ping you his contact. (クロエ)


I can't in all good conscience put you forward for another placement. 他の仕事も紹介できない(クロエ)


I can't in all good conscience put you forward for another placement. 他の仕事も紹介できない(クロエ)


I am seriously considering putting our kids up for adoption. 子供の世話は大変だ。(クロエ)


Have you heard of personal space? 馴れ馴れしい(クロエ)


I've found you a home to stay for a bit. - You're trying to palm me off. (クロエ)


He's had his stomach pumped when he was a teenager. 薬の過剰摂取から救った。(クロエ)


Don't take what our mother said personally. She's just the worst. - I just had mine put in a home. 自分の母は老人ホームに入れたわ。(クロエ)


She is eating out of the palm of his hand. 彼に夢中よ(クロエ)


She was so perceptive. 洞察力がある(クロエ)


She understood him, so he put her on a pedestal. (クロエ)


I can take your work off your plate. (クロエ)


plus oneプラスワン。イベントやパーティーで、招待客 が連れてきてもよい招待状のない客。

They want plus ones. (クロエ)


The first person to posit its existence. (クロエ)


My head is pounding. (クロエ)


I'm just going to pop to the loo. (クロエ)


The guy's put up the picture already. アップロードした(クロエ)


Don’t pull a disappearing act right now. (クロエ)



I was only going to go home and eat tortellini in front of RuPaul. (クロエ)


She's just pulled out of the project, the little ringworm. やな奴。(クロエ)


He is relentlessly dull. (クロエ)


She retreated from us all. 疎遠になった(クロエ)


He's been through the ringer. (クロエ)


You are going to do some revision today. 勉強(クロエ)


I could ride it out for a bit. (クロエ)


The big dicks haven't RSVP'd. (クロエ)


It's so random to bump into you here. (クロエ)


He looked like you'd just punched him in the face. - I don't know. Maybe his wife is rubbing off on me. (クロエ)


I'm good. I'm all sorted. (クロエ)


I was also able to see myself in their shoes in a few years. (クロエ)


He's really talented at painting. But he's terrible at self-promotion. (クロエ)


I always thought yoga friends were a step above real-life friends. (クロエ)


He's a local councillor. Do you ever think about standing? 国政に参加することを考えたことある?(クロエ)


The MP doesn't want to stand again. (クロエ)


shit the bed

1. やらかす。度を超えて失敗すること。

2. 駄目になる。機械などが不具合を起こし、多分もう直らないこと。

The Japanese soccer team shit the bed in the second half against Brazil.

My PC was working fine last week but it shit the bed yesterday.

Shit the bed, are you serious? I mean, this is huge. (クロエ)


He is either the fun party animal or the shit-stirring wanker. (クロエ)


The best unagi. I still think about it twice a day. - Oh, God, I'm salivating. (クロエ)


I don't have my ID. It's OK, just put your name down and secure the spot at the gym. (クロエ)


You are a maniac. - It's been said. よく言われる(クロエ)


I'm bored, I'm going to split. (クロエ)


I might have another glass of water just to be safe. (クロエ)


Would you like to reschedule? We have a slot in an hour. (クロエ)


special edspecial education 特殊教育は、特殊な教育上の必要を抱えた生徒たちを対象として、個々の生徒の差異や必要を踏まえた方法により、行なわれる教育実践

He is active in the community, cares about funding for special ed, good with kids, sporty. (クロエ)


You're so snowed under with the project. (クロエ)


What if we got him to DJ? - You know, that's not a bad shout. (クロエ)


Look at her hair. She can never get it to shine. It's a real shame for her. (クロエ)


You smashed it. やるわね(クロエ)


Traffic's at a standstill. (クロエ)


I let things slip. ミスをした。(クロエ)


Spatial co-ordination is not her strong suit. 空間認識(クロエ)


This town’s diversity and sense of community have shaped my character. (クロエ)


I've had enough of people sanctifying her. (クロエ)


There's two sides to every story. (クロエ)


You might want to make yourself scarce for a bit. (クロエ)


She wanted to leave you because you made her feel small. (クロエ)


It's a shitshow. He's in serious trouble. (クロエ)


You baby-sat my kids. (クロエ)


You and Maria were going to that charity drinks thing tonight. (クロエ)


Eat, please. Tuck in. (クロエ)


Tate : テート は、イギリス政府の持つイギリス美術コレクションや近現代美術コレクションを所蔵・管理する組織で、ロンドンなど各地にある国立の美術館を運営する。2000年の改組以前はテート(テイト)・ギャラリー (Tate Gallery) と呼ばれたが、それ以後はテート・ギャラリーと呼ばれることはなく、単にテイト(Tate)という。

He actually moved to London to work for the Tate. (クロエ)


Team up with me. (クロエ)


I think I'm just very trusting. Very stupid. (クロエ)


It can just throw her if she has to meet someone new. (クロエ)


Take each day as it comes. 成り行きに任せる(クロエ)


Miss Agatha Trunchbull : She is the fictional headmistress of Crunchem Hall Primary School (or Elementary School), and the main antagonist in Roald Dahl's 1988 novel Matilda and its adaptations.

I have to go into my son’s school. Trunchbull's not happy. (クロエ)


tee up〈話〉準備する、用意する、手配する、〔約束を〕取り決める、〔~の日時を〕設定する【同】arrange ; organize ; set up ; prepare

To tee it all up. (クロエ)


It was theatrics. (クロエ)


An ugly street tabby. (クロエ)


Something seriously wrong with her. Like, unhinged. (クロエ)


the unstoppable force and the immovable object : They are a paradox that defy the laws of physics and logic. The paradox states that if an unstoppable force exists, then no object can be immovable, and vice versa. The paradox has been used to describe a number of events, including:

The Hulk Hogan vs André the Giant match as The irresistible force meeting the immovable object.

A commentator described a collision between Jock Samson and Jerk as "The irresistible force meets the immovable object".

Has the unstoppable force finally met the immovable object? (クロエ)


I need to get some veg. (クロエ)


I do think he likes you. The vibe is excellent. (クロエ)


How long are you with us again? - Er, five months. どのくらいこの会社で働いているのですか。(クロエ)


They're trying their best to keep the relationship under wraps. (クロエ)


I'll give it another whirl. (クロエ)


It's a week on Friday? 来週の金曜日(クロエ)


You're going to have to wade through all those vultures to get to him. (クロエ)


It makes it all worthwhile. (クロエ)


The writ was issued this morning. - Congratulations.  正式に選挙が決まった(クロエ)


We should keep our relationship under wraps. (クロエ)


If the press get a whiff of a new relationship, they'll be all over it. (クロエ)


After the election, if things go your way. 当選すれば(クロエ)


He tends to get a bit in the zone. (クロエ)


You feel relaxed? I'm so zen! (クロエ)



He's firmly friend-zoned. 恋人ではないわ。(クロエ)