The police appeal to any witnesses to come forward. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
I thought you'd be along. 来る(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Make an account of everything that happened. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
She kept begging me to look into a possible appeal. 上訴(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
I'm straight into automatic. いつものことを始めた(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
APW : It stands for "all-ports warning" in UK police. It's a system that sends a suspect's description to airports, ports, and international railway stations.
Get out an APW. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
She was bound to come after me. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
The bairns keeping you up? (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Well, go on, then, blossom. Stand up. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Wind slightly off the berth. 船(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
She was in the year below. 一学年下。(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
He's asleep in his buggy. ベビーカー(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
You said killed by a blow from the edge of the boot. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Her blood is on your hands. 彼女の死は君のせいだ(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
He is in bits over his dead lass. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
The bairns are all tucked up. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
The burglar ran off with the booty. 物取り(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Find some space to breathe. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
She wanted to get back at her dad for bedding his lover. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
She kept clawing at me. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Her last collar. 逮捕(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
That's him in the clear. 容疑が晴れる(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
CSI found this. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
We'd sit on the beach with a couple of Dad's ciggies. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
You've cheered up, haven't you? ご機嫌ですね(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Did he clock in for work? (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
You called to make a few choice threats. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
I saw the colour rising in her neck. 首が赤くなるのを見た。(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
You turned her innocence into some cooked-up confession to murder. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
It was a devil to get the car started. 大変だった。(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
He was totally distraught. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
She did her hair up like her friend. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
As her probation officer, I was duty-bound to block my ears whether she is innocent or not. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Detective at 34, the darling of this place. I wondered why you walked away from the job. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
He was dead against planting the trees. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
He changed his name by deed poll. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
The murder case electrified the region. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Witnesses? - Well, it's early days. No-one's come forward. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
She's egging him on. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
egg on one's face〈話〉恥をさらすこと、面目を失うこと(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Don't brag too much. You may end up with egg on your face. あんまり自慢するものじゃない。後でばつの悪い思いをするかもしれないぞ。
Old case in ribbons. She got egg on her face. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Wasps' nests. They come back every year. Oh, they love our tiles right under the eaves. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Wisdom is all about the execution. 知恵を披露するときは言い方が重要。(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
No need to fuss. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
She's dead on her feet. クタクタ(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
The beer flowed like wine. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
I fitted up Jeanni. はめた(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
His family was a no-fly zone. とても危険。(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
She was so adamant that she was innocent. That tends to grate on the rest of the wing in the prison. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
He's been overseas on and off since he left school after his GCSEs. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
gibbous moonギブス・ムーンとは、半月と満月の間の月を指す言葉
Under the gibbous moon. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Prints, fibres galore. You name it. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Why hang on to it. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Let's hear it for Kenny. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
If I could haul us back to this morning. 今朝の話に戻す(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
The party is what I need. Get out of me own head for a bit. 日々のストレスを忘れさせてくれるから。(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
If they knew that I played any part in this, they would have my job. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
He hung on to it all these years. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Might it be an idea to put off the plan? してもいいのではないでしょうか(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Jeannie had no friends inside? 刑務所(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Your brother and Abby. Were they an item? (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
He goes joy-riding on a forklift truck. Three dead. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
This might jog your memory. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
She just stepped back off the kerb. Onto the road and hit by the bus. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
He kipped over at his sister's on Sunday night. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
A light sleeper, aren't you, love? (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
No more leave without my say-so. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
They look to you, do they? 頼る(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Where are you off to? - Bit of lippy. 化粧を少しする(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Those leylandii you have in the garden. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
You'd think we'd have it licked. 楽勝(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
mind over matter〔肉体的な困難などを〕気力[精神力]で乗り越えること
Nancy ran in the track meet with a twisted ankle. A perfect example of mind over matter. ナンシーは足首を捻挫しているというのに、陸上競技会で走ったんだよ。気力で乗り切ったいい見本だね。(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Let's hear it for Kenny. Come on. Mind over matter. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Best summer of me life. I met me missus. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Tell the Crime Scene mob we're minus a murder weapon. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Tell the Crime Scene mob we're minus a murder weapon. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
meals on wheels〔慈善団体などが体の不自由な人々に対して行う〕食事の宅配サービス
Try the voluntary sector. Meals on wheels. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
big noise 大きな物音 〈俗〉重大ニュース 〈俗〉大物、重要人物、有力者 big shot
The family were a big noise on the docks. Made a fortune out of ship-building. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
He's nuts about her. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Toon fan : A Toon fan is a fan of Newcastle United football club, also known as "The Toon Army". The term "Toon" is a nickname for Newcastle upon Tyne, and "Toon Army" is a reference to the fans' solidarity and enthusiasm for the team. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
She was going to tear his good name apart. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
You're as old as who you feel. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Not our place to judge. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
put your hand in your pocket : (idiom) To give money to someone or to charity.
People are more inclined to put their hands in their pockets to help children. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
keeping your hands in your pockets : Keeping your hands in your pockets can be a way to maintain personal boundaries in social settings.
You keep your hands in your pockets. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
I thought I might have some plasters in the first-aid box. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
He told the old buggers some pack of lies. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
pilot launch / pilot run / pilot test /pilot project : A pilot launch is the initial implementation of a new product, service, or business model on a small scale. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
James Bennett works as a launch pilot. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
I ran his name through the PNC. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
You're on a roll. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
We'll obviously want to reopen the investigation. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
I did what I could for her. Within my remit. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
The other night at the party in the garden under the gibbous moon. I tell you, my radar's slow as it comes to romance but even I thought, "Hello". 恋に関しては勘が鈍る私だけど私でさえ、何かロマンスがあることに気づいたわ。(gibbous moonギブス・ムーンとは、半月と満月の間の月を指す言葉) (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Hormones raging. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
egg on one's face〈話〉恥をさらすこと、面目を失うこと
Don't brag too much. You may end up with egg on your face. あんまり自慢するものじゃない。後でばつの悪い思いをするかもしれないぞ。
Old case in ribbons. She got egg on her face. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
She romanticised him. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
The windows were rusted shut. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
She didn't run to specifics. 詳細は言わなかった(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
You must have been in a right panic. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Go on. Scram! (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
It's not like you to stoop to a spot of roadkill. 君が殺人現場ではなく小さな事故現場担当とはね。(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Seeing as we're here. せっかくここにいるんだから(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
She's 14 or summat. 14歳かそこら。(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
They squared the case off . その事件を片づけた。(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
I'm not skint. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
The attack was enough to stun him but then comes blow number two. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Somebody's got to make a stand. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
It takes more than a change of scenery to feel different. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Don't tell me you miss working here. - Never when sober. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
I was starry-eyed. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Spool on ten years. それから10年経過してみて。(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
He slings it in the car, plus the shovel. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Not his style to ask. 頼むのは彼の性格ではない。(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
The plants have shot up. = grew quickly(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
She'll take it in her stride. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
I used to do the school run. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
She was a star turn. 有名人(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
There's quite a turn-out, eh? 人出(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Thank you all for trooping out tonight. 来てくれて(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Mam's on these horse tranquillisers as it is. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
We had time-wasters calling up the station every minute of the day. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
The bairns are all tucked up. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Toon fan : A Toon fan is a fan of Newcastle United football club, also known as "The Toon Army". The term "Toon" is a nickname for Newcastle upon Tyne, and "Toon Army" is a reference to the fans' solidarity and enthusiasm for the team. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
close weave. キメの細かい布(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
You love your kids, no matter what. - Oh, bless him. In his own little world. 世間知らずね(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Once Abby got wound up, nothing would have stopped her. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
She looks like an old woman. Like a withered old woman. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Go give her nose a wipe, will you? 彼女の鼻を拭いてあげて(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
He went walkabout. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
She was in the year below. You don't talk to anyone outside your year. 学年(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
The night is young. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Thin abrasion round the neck? Strangled? (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Her daughter's asthmatic. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
You were after a tenant. を募集している(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
She had the police out a couple of times on account of all the noise. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
They were together somewhere here al fresco. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Blag a copy of the coroner's report. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Pretty bog-standard. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
My immune system couldn't take the beating. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
He'd blab to Mum. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
The photos were all blurry. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
The shoe is my bairn's. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
The two little bairns. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
bird of prey 《鳥》猛禽
He wasn't some bird of prey. He was just a lad. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
He was besotted. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
There's some bubbly somewhere. シャンペン(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
The bonny lass. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Was the killer a member of his adoring coterie? (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
The victim’s body was carted in here and dropped in the tub. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
You cheeky monkey. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
That was a stroke of luck for us, your lad chancing on the victim. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
These contusions round the victim's neck. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
I've yet to see the girls fully clothed. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Did you get a chance to say goodbye to your late father? - I don't think goodbye would have covered it. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
The place must be teeming with your cast-offs, are they? 捨てられた女でいっぱいになっている。(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Lily was obsessive, clingy. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Possible match for weapon. Ruling in our confederacy of birdwatchers. 野鳥仲間が怪しい(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
I find to my horror that I'm not much good at living alone. Certifiable these days. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Clapham Junction stationクラパムジャンクション駅は、イギリス、グレーター・ロンドン、ウォンズワース区バタシーの南西にあるセント・ジョンズ・ヒルの近くにある鉄道駅である。
Well, it's like Clapham Junction in there. Blondes, brunettes, redheads. いろんな女と関係を持った。- Oh, lucky fella. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
He was canny enough. 普通(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
I want everything cordoned off, the whole site. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
More recent work is generally regarded as a consolidation. I'm guessing that's bad, is it? 寄せ集め(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Three cheers for the early promise. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
He was down in the dumps lately. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
I was in between digs. 住む場所を探していた(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
dickwipe (vulgar) Term of abuse.
You dozy dickwipes! (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Lily went off at the deep end. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
So what's the link? Daft as you like. バカな意見でもいいよ(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
A strong marriage. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Those friends of yours must be dead jealous. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
She sent you alone? - Aye, just the once. - Let me guess. Issues around delegation? 任務委任でもめたの?(Delegation can be challenging for leaders and managers, and may involve issues with trust, control, and accountability. ) (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
what can I do you for? (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
It's me. Desk jockey. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
We'll just call to make doubly sure. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
A strong marriage. Those friends of yours must be dead jealous. - Hardly. I'm forever farming her out. 妻の貸出OKだ。(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
It's not for the faint-hearted, is it? (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Don't fall for the big lie. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Seem to spend half my life wearing these gloves. Not very fetching, are they? (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
You and Lily fell passionately in something or other. 恋かなにかにおちたんでしょ。(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
go in : (mainly UK informal) If a fact or piece of information goes in, you understand it or remember it:
No matter how many times you tell him something, it never seems to go in.
He'll be OK. A thing like this, though, you just don't know what goes in, do you? (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
gan (Northumbria) To go.
There's two kinds of birdwatcher. One lot, ganning about with their pagers. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
She's off gallivanting. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
She got off to school all right? (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Yes, well, she's very forgiving for the adultery. - Ah, well, she would be. Those in glass houses. お互い様ですもの。(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
howay : (Geordie) A general cry of encouragement. "Howay" is a British slang term that means "come on" or "hurry up". It's commonly used in the north east of England, particularly in Geordie.
Howay, man, it's freezing!
Howay the lads! (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
If I'd drunk a bit less, kept a clear head(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
off one's hinges (idiomatic) Unstable or irrational; crazy.
Mum's hanging off her hinges. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Some sort of homage. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
This one of his old haunts, is it? (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
She scared me half to death. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
You know that thing she does? The country hick thing. Doesn't fool me. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
I find to my horror that I'm not much good at living alone. Certifiable these days. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
It's an old haunt of my father's. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Try saying that in a hurry! 早口言葉みたいね(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Partial footwear impression. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
I don't suppose there was any, you know, interfering. - Sergeant, you're a gentleman. No, no sign of sexual assault. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
He was rebuking me for my idle thoughts. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
She's forgotten her inhaler. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Height of impertinence 見当違いの極み(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
khazi 【名】〈英俗〉トイレ)
Where do we hang the picture? - It's a shoo-in for the outdoor khazi. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Lily didn't take kindly to being dumped. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
I've been kipping over there. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
castle keep 天守閣、本丸
The waves crashed against the castle keep. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
How did they kill him? - A length of rope. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
He is the lady's man. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Shower, fridge, all mod cons. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Mist net. It's what they use to trap migrant birds. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Did they swan in like a pair of Mafiosi, demanding hush money? (mafiosi 【名】mafiosoの複数形 mafioso 【名】マフィアの一員) (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
I'm giving the old bugger his marching orders. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Wildflowers, found in every ditch in Northumberland. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Mind if my lads have a nose inside? 調べる(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
nearly man (複数形 nearly men) : A man who fails to achieve the success or status that he might potentially have had.
Along comes Lily. Oh, I bet you were more than flattered. What nearly-man wouldn't be? (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
She'll be dead by nightfall. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
That's not really on, is it. それは無理だよね。(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
There's an outside chance she's in here somewhere. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
He pipes up and says so. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Some poncey installation at the Baltic. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
She passed her last breath. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
If you think you could manage it, pet. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Posh end of town. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
This is not some pet prejudice. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
So why dump her? - Well, too much, too young. So I pulled the plug. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Nothing you can pin down to a particular place? (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
I expect Gary has the pick of the women, does he? His line of work? 彼の職業柄モテるでしょ?(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
He's a bit rock'n'roll, is he, Gary? - It's one way of putting it. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Point of fact. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Go on, pet. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
The paper round. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Quid pro quo. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
At a taxi rank. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Walked out of prison nine days ago. Been off the radar ever since. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Full of ravioli. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
He's up a tree stealing eggs off some raptor. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Possible match for weapon. Ruling in our confederacy of birdwatchers. 野鳥仲間が怪しい(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
He was rebuking me for my idle thoughts. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Did she ravish you? 誘惑された- Oh, just the once. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
I'm a key holder. It's on the bloody roster! (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
He was in a right mood. ひどい(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Those flowers? - Shop-bought. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
spark out 【副】〈英俗〉意識を失って、酔いつぶれて 【句動】〈英俗〉意識を失う、酔いつぶれる
She must have heard something. - Spark-out apparently. 寝ていた(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
I'm a bit short. お金が不足していた(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
They're not wildflowers. No, they look shop-bought to me. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Up in Skye. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Where do we hang the picture? - It's a shoo-in for the outdoor khazi. (khazi 【名】〈英俗〉トイレ) (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
That was a stroke of luck for us. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
The last sighting of her was 10:30. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
1. 〈米俗〉病人、精神障害者、倒錯者、変質者、狂人◆可算
2. 〈豪俗〉〔病気でもないのに取る〕有給休暇
Are you pulling a sickie? - I'm on leave. I'm supposed to be. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Shop signing. It's how we shift books these days. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
She's not my sort at all. 私のタイプではない。(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
You are paid to snoop. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
So you want me to have a look at it? - Well, seeing as you're here. ここにいるのでついでにお願い。(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
I think she was even in here for a spell. 一時期(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Sugar daddy? (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
I'm drawing up a shortlist. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
sin bin / sin-binシンビンは、ラグビーにおいて、危険なプレーなどにより、一時的に試合から離れることを命じるルールのことである。レフリーは、当該選手にイエローカードを示して10分間の退場を命じる(7人制ラグビーの場合は2分間)。
What's Joe up to today? - Sin bin. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
They’re unlikely suspects, seeing as they got back from Tenerife two hours ago. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
His latest love affairs go south. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
They both sulked for years when I showed up. 私に嫉妬していた。(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
I can't see straight without him. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Was your class standing room only, back in the day? 昔は人気だった(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
mafiosi 【名】mafiosoの複数形
mafioso 【名】マフィアの一員
Did they swan in like a pair of Mafiosi, demanding hush money? (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Just don't just shut me out. I can't stand it when you do that. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
He carried her over the spit of rocks as if she were sleeping. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
sea-watcher : A sea-watcher is someone who observes the sea, either for conservation or to rescue people in distress. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
He was someone you could let off steam to. 話しやすい(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Let's take ourselves off for a bit. 散歩しましょう。(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
He's tied up for the rest of the day. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
You shouldn't put thoughts about him like that into my head. He's a good man. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
The place must be teeming with your cast-offs, are they? 捨てられた女でいっぱいになっている。(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Be careful with it. Forensics want it back tip-top. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
She may have taken herself off to the shops. 行ったのかも(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
TGI Friday : It is an abbreviation for "Thank God It's Friday".
TGI Friday in the beach hut. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
That's all there is. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
We went out in a little tugboat. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Probably he couldn't bring himself to utter the truth. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
My client is here of his own volition! (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Where are we at with the man? (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
put the wind up《~ someone》〔恐怖などで〕(人)の呼吸を激しくさせる、(人)を怖がらせる[びっくりさせる・脅かす・ギクッとさせる・ギョッとさせる・おじけづかせる・おびえさせる・パニック状態にさせる・心配させる・不安がらせる]
put [get] the wind up
You certainly put the wind up Peter. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Very cold, frost on the windscreen. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
She's waltzing up the place. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
Where will you go? - Wherever the wind takes me. (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
I've worn you out, haven't I? (ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)
They think I was raised by wolves. 恐れられている(ヴェラ 〜信念の女警部〜)